My favorite video game character is, The Zora Champion Mipha from The Legends of Zelda Breath of the Wild. She caught my attention, initially because she is a spear/trident user, after that my interest swiftly grew for her. Her skill in combat, her amazing big sister skills(her little brother is in the top 10 for favorites in my book), and her amazing character design. When i started to play through botw i was sad to be unable to interact with her, along with the other champions. So when i saw the recent release of Breath of the Wild Age of Calamity, and that it took place in the past, i was extra excited to learn more about the champions(specifically Mipha).
Now the painting process,

My first step(Aside from the pencil sketch) was the base colors of Mipha, not her trident or the background, just Miphas main color scheme itself! this involved testing colors(separate paper) and making sure the first layer of paint covered most if not all pencil lines.

The next step was to get the main outlines and highlights in with the darks. I'm not sure why but for the main red tone i decided to work dark to light. This step involves mixing the colors used before on the base to be either lighter or darker for the no black outlines type of painting. At this part i was sooooo worried that it was going to get messed up somehow because normally it takes me a long amount of time to get the eyes how i want them to be. Thank goodness the cooperated with me!😅

The next step(there is still one more) was to put in the background. I had considered to make the background into zoras domain but i decided to go with a simple waterfall-ish blue for a simpler background instead.

The last step...
TINY DETAILS(that no one would have noticed if i had left them out but it bugged me enough to do it!!!!11!)!!!!11!!!!1
Basicly it involves finding lil itty bitty things that bug you about the painting. right now im wishing i had enough time to fix the tridents color but i cant due to going out of home for a few days.
Welp! I hope that you all enjoyed the longest post i have ever written(i think)!
Oh and congrats if you read it all!🐱
aww she is my favorite champion in Breath of the Wild. Her eyes look pretty gentle as she is! nice work.
Thank you!😸