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RE: Video games are too expensive now! Well, actually, no they aren't

in Hive Gaming9 months ago

well this is tough to say. There's definitely some other factors that play into this like the country and the economic background of the person. It's really perspective. I also think gaming is expensive especially web3 gaming O.O because of the potential to "earn back money from it" but that's another story. Of course what I'm saying doesn't include free games . I'm mostly talking about games that need to spend money for. IF the game is good then i guess nobody will complain :P but one recent example of a premium game flopping is the dragons doma 2 i think it got a lot of shit lately xD came into my feed


I think that companies were less likely to release terrible games knowing they were terrible back when they couldn't possibly be patched. Then again, games were a lot more simplistic back then than they are now due to limitations in tech.

oh ya for sure. that could be a reason. In the end, it's up to us the gamers whether or not we spend money for these good/terrible games $$$.

i won't say they are taking advantages tho to be clear o.o u are right about inflation