Blaziken is Really Tricky to Use | Pokemon Unite

in Hive Gaminglast year

Hello once again, fans of Pokemon Unite.

As it stands, the game's meta is still being enslaved by Mewtwo. Mewtwo X is not so much of a problem anymore. It's still a menace, but not just as broken as before. Then there's Mewtwo Y - where the 'Y' stands for WHYYYYY!! This version of Mewtwo is the one that is currently causing havoc in the game. Like, have a look at it's pick rate.

But the current meta is not why I'm writing this post; the meta is what it is. I'm just trying to have fun with the game.

Once again, I will be trying out another new Pokemon that was released in the game. I will be playing as Blaziken in this match just as I mentioned in the previous post.

It has actually been a while since this mon was released. The reason why I had to wait a while before trying it is because it got picked frequently when it was released. My guess is that everyone wants to try it out too. So I patiently waited for my turn, and on a weekend too where all the Pokemon will be available to try on non-ranked matches.

For this video, I decided to test a bit of video editing. It's not the best, but I had to give it a shot.

I decided to take on the role of the jungler in this match. I'm not much of a fan of this position, but I had to take responsibility.

After gathering the jungle farm, I made an attempt to gank the bottom lane. I failed at it unfortunately and my teammate and I were both wiped out.

This mon works a bit differently from most of the other Pokemon. In a normal scenario, you can choose between two different abilities for two skill slots when you reach a certain level. Then you unlock the unite move which is the mon's ultimate ability. As expected, it takes some time to charge up.

Something like this in a normal scenario.

But the case is different for Blaziken. It's unite move changes it's fighting style from a kicking style to a punching style, and vice versa. The move charges up in a few seconds which is fair enough.

Each fighting style has different moves; for the punching style, the moves are Focus Blast and Fire Punch while the kicking style moves are Fire Kick and Overheat. According to how I like to call them - Hadouken, Falcon Punch, Falcon Kick and... that other move.

That move, Overheat, is a tricky move to get a hang of. It's one of those 'high-risk, high-reward' kind of moves. It needs to be charged up to a certain threshold before it can do a good deal of damage. And when you start, you can't move or change your aim. But then again, no one can interrupt the move when you start. So this makes it pretty difficult to land on a moving opponent since no one is going to stand there and just take it. Unless the person is completely clueless, or you can time it properly.

From what I noticed, the enemy jungler who was a Zoroark seemed to be a much better jungler than I was. The person was even able to get a quadruple KO against my team, with me included.

I was able to get my revenge later on in the match. I was lucky enough to get a hit on that Zoroark using Overheat. From that hit, the battle was pretty much over for him.

Ironically, the one move that I disliked ended up being the one that saved the match. I randomly decided to use it on Rayquaza but I never noticed until later that the Duradulon from the enemy team tried to steal Ray using a unite move. If I never used that move, my team wouldn't have captured Rayquaza.

We were able to win that match at the end.

I wasn't able to inflict so much damage in the match, but it was still a decent amount of damage.

That's all for this match. Blaziken is quite difficult to get a hang of. I guess the game wasn't lying when it specified that it's difficulty level is on expert.

It was also announced that Mimikyu would be released around this month while Meowscarada would be releasing later on, I'm not sure when. I'm certainly looking forward to these releases.

That's all for this post. Thank you all for stopping by and see you next time :D

CapCut was used in editing the video.

By the way, Mewtwo still sucks.


It's great to see your excitement about this game. It's always satisfying when you can get your revenge in a match and turn the tide in your team's favor and the victory at the end is a sweet reward for your efforts.

Yeah, it really is a nice feeling. Especially when that person always killed you multiple times in the match lol.