
Cool new development on Hive. Would love to see people find out more about this and get some traction going.

Are there already some trades happening ?

Just launched a few hours ago. I have not checked for trades yet.
thanks for the interest.
My blog etc talks about the platform but I will do more 3speak videos over the next few days so you can find out more and I will be on "The Lion's Den" with Task on Friday for any questions.

Congratulations... It's an amazing launch day... Wow didn't even know it was happening today 🥰😍😍

thanks. yeah. I am mainly on InLeo and threads just starting to use 3speak.

Wow and you're already looking good on 3speak man🫡

Congrats on the launch! Love that it is layer 1!

Thanks man! i will be doing more videos to explain the whole system.

Here's some feedback/wishes after an morning trying to manage my collection of QUST NFTs.

Below you can see a screenshot where I manually made a list to see how many unique NFTs I got. It turns out I have 52 of the 60. As you can probably tell, it was a bit cumbersome to come to this conclusion. Therefore an option to "Hide duplicates" would be most welcome.

Another suggestion regarding the set/collection: I'd like a away see the complete set of the collection, showing both owned and not owned NFTs in it, and preferably also highlighting the NFTs I already own. A feature like this is likely to increase the interest in collecting/buying more of the set, to get a more complete collection

@simplegame I know sometimes notifications aren't shown, so I'm tagging you here explicitly just to make sure you got this one. No need to reply or anything.

super vaulable feedback.
we will work on a collection update for sorting / filtering etc..