Over 100,000 players in old Call Of Duty multiplayers, Activision fixes matchmaking

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

This was unexpected news but it seems Activision are in good spirits and with good reason, the FTC lawsuit seems to have gone nowhere and they are now free to merge with Microsoft in the biggest ever sale between two companies.

The old Call Of Duty games seem to have a lot more to say and at the moment there is no sign that Activision is abandoning them or intends to shut down online.

I came across this article from gamerant that speaks well of the devil for once.


Decades had to pass before Activision fixed it, before that I remember playing a few games of Black Ops 2 and getting frustrated because every time I played the game it was uneven.

Or even worse full of hackers, which I think is another problem they have to work on, this improvement only applies for the moment to Xbox 360 games that still for some reason have open servers.

It seems that the improvement comes from the Activision servers themselves, because many players comment that the difference is day and night, now at least if you are playing with friends it won't be a headache to run into them.

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Although it seems that there is no official announcement from Activision itself several players have noticed this improvement and have begun to flood the servers to play some of those old but gold games.

Also the backwards compatibility will surely make players with more modern consoles get to play some games, according to Twitter and some accounts that keep the statistics of these games the number of players has grown a lot in the last few hours.

This all seems to be too much of a coincidence for Activision as this week the verdict was given in favour of their purchase by Microsoft and it's almost definite that it will become a reality and I think a lot of these updates are just the initial step to announce in time that many of the classic Call Of Duty games are coming to Game Pass.

I can only imagine the amount of people with the subscription that are going to do the nostalgia trip to these games and the least Activision can do is fix the horrible matchmaking system, then they will surely deal with the hacks and boosters but this is a very important step for the preservation of a once huge online.

It seems that the patch is only available for Xbox players, it makes sense that decision although I haven't touched one of these consoles in a long time, I've only been able to watch the videos where in games like Modern Warfare 2 (the old one) it seems that there is an instant match every time you want to jump into the field, the most impressive thing is that all this is repeated in the other game modes.

Along with this also came the news that Microsoft has reached an agreement with Sony to bring the next installments of Call Of Duty to Playstation for a period of 10 years, I think that on all fronts Xbox has won this fight because 10 years is a relatively short period for what means a tank of money as it is CoD.

All yours, @slashint - Gamer, Video Game Analyst.
