On my way to Archadis after getting the power to destroy the neticite | Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Gameplay (EPISODE 4) [ENG-ESP]

in Hive Gaming2 years ago


Greetings, friends from the Hive Gaming Community, today I’m bringing to you the fourth part of my Final Fantasy XII playthrough. In the previous part, the Great Kiltias told me that I had to go to the Stilshrine of Miriam, since in that place I could find a great power capable of destroying the neticite, our protagonists were already going on their way there, so without further ado, let’s begin.

Saludos amigos de la comunidad Hive Gaming, hoy les trigo la cuarta parte de mi playtrough de Final Fantasy XII. En la parte anterior el Gran Kiltias me dijo que debía dirigirme al Stilshrine Of Miriam, ya que allí existe un poder capaz de destruir la neticita, mis personajes ya estaban encaminados hacía allí, así que sin más comencemos.


When I reached the Stilshrine of Miriam and after I decided to explore that zone, I found two strange pedestals that after been activated made some really hard to kill zombies appear, and they didn’t give me any EXP points after I defeated them. So I assumed that I was doing something wrong, this made me read the writings on the pedestals very carefully, and at last, I understood what I had to do (I had to equip my characters with a specific object).

Llegué a Stilshrine Of Miriam y decidí explorar el lugar, aquí encontré unos pedestales que, cuando los activaba me aparecían unos zombis duros de matar y que no me daban experiencia alguna al ser derrotados, asumí que estaba haciendo algo mal, al leer detalladamente las escrituras de estos pedestales y entendí lo que debía hacer (equiparme un objeto especifico).

In this temple I found something that I really liked and thought it was cool, there were some enemies that could camouflage themselves completely with the background decorations, something very unique that I had not seen in any other 3D game since Castlevania Lament of Innocence.

En este templo encontré algo que me gusto mucho, existen enemigos que se camuflan completamente con decoraciones del escenario, algo bastante original que me parece no haber visto en ningún juego 3D desde Castlevania Lamont Of Inocence.


I kept advancing until I found a horse in flames, its design was similar to that of the first boss of the game but this one was a “common enemy”, it had a considerably high amount of HP compared to the damaged that it caused to my characters.

Avanzando encontré un caballo en llamas, su diseño era similar al del primer jefe del juego, pero este es un enemigo “común”, el mismo tenía una cantidad de vida considerablemente alta para el daño que estaban causando mis personajes.


Around the temple, there were three statues that I could turn to make them change directions, as an odd thing, I decided to make them all look at a blocked door in the center of the map and eureka! Turns out I was right, that opened the door; here I decided to save my progress, just in case.

Alrededor del templo habían tres estatuas a las que podía girar, como cosa rara decidí que todas tenían que dirigir su mirada a la puerta bloqueada en el centro del mapa y ¡guala! estaba en lo correcto, aquí decidí grabar la partida como precaución.


In the next area I faced a boss enemy, some kind of living and floating mask, in this battle, the equipped weapons made our protagonists slower but the enemy had a small amount of HP, and so in the end, I still defeated it without too many issues.

En la siguiente zona me enfrente a un jefe, una especie de mascará viviente flotante, en esta batalla las armas equipadas hacían lentos a mis personajes, el enemigo tenía poca vitalidad, por lo que al final lo derroté sin muchos problemas.

After going a little further, I encountered another boss, one not as easy and this made me guess that this one was the real boss of the temple, it was shielded by four specters of ice and all of them were weak against thunder attacks. One of its attacks let my character in the “sleep status” and its Blizzaja attack let them in the “slow status”, these things made the battle a little tricky and annoying, but in the end I was able to defeat it, and this being turned out to be the second summoning found in the main story of the game.

Después de avanzar un poco, encontré otro jefe más difícil y supuse que este si era el verdadero jefe de este templo, este jefe estaba custodiado por cuatro espectros de hielo y todos eran débiles al elemento trueno. Uno de sus ataques dejaba dormido a mis personajes y su ataque Blizzaja los dejaba en estado “lento” lo que hizo la batalla un poquito molesta, pero al final pude derrotarlo y se trataba de la segunda invocación encontrada en la historia principal de este juego.

After that battle, a cutscene is shown where my characters find a very heavy sword, Ashe and the rest suggest to try it by destroying “The Dawn Sharp”, since this weapon was suppose to be able to destroy neticites, but after trying to do it, Ashe sees her dead husband who tells her no, moving his head, and it’s because of this reason that she decides not to destroy it. When that cutscene ends, Ashe asks Vaan if he could see her husband’s spirit, but unlike before, Vaan saw absolutely nothing.

Tras la batalla se muestra una secuencia donde mis personajes encontraron una enorme espada muy pesada, Ashe la agarró y los demás le sugirieron probarla destruyendo “The dawn sharp” ya que se supone esta arma es destructora de la neticita, pero al tratar de hacerlo Ashe vio a su difunto esposo, quién le dijo que no asintiendo la cabeza, por lo que ella decide no destruirla. Al culminar la escena Ashe le preguntó a Vaan si fue capaz de ver al espíritu de su esposo, pero a diferencia de la vez anterior, Vaan no vio absolutamente nada.


When I got out of that place, another cutscene is shown where we see an armed fleet near the surrounding area, and far in the distance, in the house of the Great Kiltias, there was smoke, as if he had been attacked by the fleet, that’s why I decided to go there as quickly as possible.

Al salir del lugar se muestra otra secuencia, donde se ve una flota armada de naves cerca de los alrededores y a lo lejos en el hogar del gran Kiltias se puede apreciar humo, como si hubiese sido atacado por esa flota por lo que me dirigí hasta allá rápidamente.

Once I reached that area, I could see how in fact, the home of the Great Kiltias was attacked by the empire of Archadis, and when I got inside the temple, a judge that looked as if he was being controlled by some kind of neticite spirit, was in front of the Great Kiltias’ corpse, this man was the Judge Bergan and here, a new fight started.

Al llegar allí se puede apreciar como efectivamente, el hogar del gran Kiltias fue atacado por el imperio de Archadis y al entrar al templo se muestra como un Juez al parecer controlado por una especie de espíritu de neticita yace en frente del cadáver del Gran Kiltias, se trataba del Juez Bergan y aquí comenzó una nueva batalla contra un feje.


This battle was easy for me, because despite having various enemies protecting him, the judge Bergan had a small amount of vitality, and after beating him, I could see how the power of the neticite abandoned his body. Our protagonists asked him about prince Larsa and he answered, telling them that the prince had, fortunately, abandoned the area and that he was safe and sound.

Este enfrentamiento no fue muy difícil ya que a pesar de contar con la ayuda de varios enemigos protegiéndolo, el Juez Bergan no tenía mucha vitalidad, al derrotarlo se puede observar como el poder de la neticita abandona su cuerpo. Nuestros protagonistas preguntan por el príncipe Larsa, pero afortunadamente se les dice que abandonó el lugar y que se encuentra sano y salvo.


With their minds clear of worry, our protagonists decided to march to the very same Archadis, the road is going to be long and we must walk there to avoid been detected, since the army of Archadis is searching for us.

Una vez con la mente despejada, nuestros protagonistas deciden que deben Marchar hacía el propio Archadis, el camino será largo y debemos avanzar a pie para no ser detectados, ya que estamos siendo buscados por el ejercito de Archadis.

Before going to that location, I wanted to explore some places I had not gone to and stop by some stores to buy better items, it was after doing this that I kept advancing to my destined location, from the city of Rabanastra I went to the desert, and from the desert I went to the Nalbina fortress, just as our characters had planned it.

Antes de avanzar decidí visitar algunos lugares que ya había explorado antes y pasar por las tiendas para comprar objetos y mejorar mi equipo, después de esto, continúe avanzando hacía el destino, desde la Ciudad de Rabanastra me dirigí al desierto y desde este fui hasta la fortaleza de Nalbina, tal y como lo habían planeado los personajes.

When I got out of the Nalbina fortress, I entered a place called “the Mosphora Highwaste”, I remembered that this road was previously blocked by some army guards; in this new area, the enemies were much more stronger than in the previous locations of the game, but the path was thankfully short and I could keep going without getting lost, or wasting too much time.

Al salir de la fortaleza de Nalbina entre a un lugar llamado Mosphora Highwaste, anteriormente este camino estaba bloqueado por guardias del ejercito, en este lugar los enemigos son más fuertes que en las zonas anteriores del juego, pero el camino fue corto y pude avanzar sin dar muchas vueltas, ni perder mucho tiempo.


When I finally reached the next location, the Salika Wood, I saw that the enemies here were quite weak and most of them didn’t attack unless I attacked them first, in the end I found a peculiar damaged door and a moogle (some kind of tiny race of humanoid rabbits with the ability to speak) asking for help, he made a request and told me to find 9 apprentices of his so all of them could fix the door and like that, I could keep going forward.

Llegué a mi siguiente destino “The SalikaWood” en este lugar los enemigos eran bastante débiles y la mayoría no te atacaban a menos que tú los atacaras primero, al final me encontré con una puerta dañada y un moogle (una raza de pequeños humanoides-conejitos con el don del habla) pidiéndome ayuda, para que encontrará a los 9 aprendices suyos y así poder reparar la puerta y continuar avanzando.

I found the apprentices all around the wood, luckily, they were dispersed in groups of two and three, and once I had collected them all, I went back to the damaged door and once we were there, the moogles were very efficient and fixed it quickly.

Encontré a los aprendices repartidos por el bosque, por fortuna estaban en pequeños grupos de dos y de tres, una vez que localicé a todos, volví a la puerta dañada, los moogles son muy eficientes ya que la repararon rápido y pude continuar avanzando.


Once I reached a zone called “Phon Coat”, I saw that it was a huge place with enemies everywhere, but with a hunters’ basement in the middle.

Llegue hasta una zona llamada “Phon Coat” un lugar bastante extenso, con enemigos por todas partes pero en el centro de este había una especie de campamento de cazadores.

In this area we are shown a cutscene where the youngest ones in the group are having fun (Vaan and Penelo), but things turn serious when Balthier tells Ashe that she mustn’t want to control the power of the neticite, even if she has good intentions, Balthier explains to her that his father tried to do it once and he ended up being possessed by it (in every Final Fantasy game there’s a character named Cid, here it seems that he was a scientist that went mad while trying to control a power he could not understand), and besides, Balthier confessed that he was once a Judge, just before running away and becoming a sky pirate. From what I could understand of this conversation, sooner or later, we will face Balthier’s father.

En este lugar se muestra una secuencia donde los más jóvenes del grupo (Vaan y Penelo) se están divirtiendo, pero también la cosa se pone sería ya que Balthier le dice a Ashe que no debe querer controlar el poder de la neticita, aún cuando tenga la mejor de las intenciones, Balthier le explica que su padre intento hacerlo una vez y este terminó siendo poseído por la neticita (en todos los juegos de Final Fantasy estamos acostumbrados a encontrar un personaje llamado Cid, bueno aquí parece ser una especie de científico que se volvió loco por tratar de controlar un poder que no entendía), además Balthier le confiesa que fue Juez durante un tiempo, justo antes de huir y volverse un pirata aéreo. Por lo que puedo entender, tarde o temprano terminaremos enfrentándonos contra el padre de Balthier.


This is all for today friends from the Hive Gaming Comuinity, Thanks for visiting my post and see you the next time!

Eso fue todo por hoy amigos de la comunidad Hive gaming, gracias por pasar por mi publicación y ¡Hasta la próxima vez!

I'm not a native English speaker, so I apologise for any gramatical error.
All screenshots in this post were taken on my PC.
Gameplay footage recorded with Xbox Game Bar Application on Windows 10.
Farewell gif created by me using VEGAS Pro 17.0 and and the following Websites


Holy shit! Are we going to face with Baltier's father? Can he be the final boss of this game? It could be something different man. Looking forward for the next episode 👀

The story is getting more interesting, so anything is possible in this game hahaha. Thanks for the support dude!