Naafiri: devouring all the middle players.

in Hive Gaminglast year


After a long time, I have returned to the post about my progress in the Mastery 7 in League Of Legends, it has been a bit long for me because of my work and the trips that this entails, I cannot travel with my laptop and that I limit myself to only being able to do certain posts on weekends; which is also somewhat difficult because if I don't work on weekends then I can be resting; and in the blink of an eye the weekend is over haha, soon this will change and I will be able to do many posts with my new laptop!


A physical damage killer middler champion, burst damage with extreme mobility, worthy of the new champion that no one can stop until he is nerfed and of course your Uncle Syde to take advantage of this opportunity.


Very fun to play but also a bit difficult to master as he is a very powerful assassin with very weak defenses, but... who doesn't like puppies?

In this episode, i will show you the dirty tricks and tips to destroy anyone in the Midlaner, how to build yourself and how to move around the map as an assassin.

So let's start the GUIDE👹


☠️Build and Runes☠️



As runes, we will carry *First Strike Our objective in the laning phase is to annoy our enemy and get as much gold as possible to arm our assassin items as quickly as possible for our power spike, We save gold with Magic Shoes, Futures Market and Treasure Hunter.

With these tools, we will get our killer items as quickly as possible to have the damage advantage over our enemy.

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Our first item will always be Eclipse with that we will have additional damage plus a shield when damaging the enemy, perfect for Naafiri.

Then we will continue with the Dark Blade, since we have several abilities to do damage and our passive of having several dogs that attack simultaneously also applies the passive of the Dark Blade you tear the armor immediately with a combo, it's super good.

As a third item we will always carry Serylda Grudge more armor penetration with cooldown reduction and your attacks will slow down the enemies, if you are very fed at the beginning of the game you can change it for Prowler Claw to increase your damage when dashing.

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We will take the Ionian boots for the cooldown reduction of our abilities, we can change them for tenacity boots if the enemy has a lot of crowd control.





As a killer we have to prioritize hunting down our enemies when they least expect it; before entering combat we activate our Ultimate to increase our damage considerably and mobility

We save our W for the next enemy, we will always have our second-hand W, to ensure the movement towards the other enemy or predict the enemy's flash to dont miss any prey.

Save your Q for the best timing, Naafiri's damage depends a lot on her Q so cast her when you're sure you're going to hit her, preferably when you're in melee with the enemy.

A dog that barks doesn't bite? (10).gif

This is the result of having your primordial items fast, you become the worst nightmare of the ADC, we will already have a good level of Cooldown Reduction therefore we will have our abilities very quickly, we can abuse our E, which is like a flash with damage, to move between walls or guess the enemy's flash, we can use it together with the Q and E to max damage in an instant; since our second cast of the Q does more damage the less health the enemy has, so make sure you hit your abilities well and then execute it with the second cast of the Q

Our W briefly slows the enemy down so take advantage of this to hit him with the first Q.

Once you reach your powerspike , getting kills around the map. its very easy. (11).gif

Naafiri is not that difficult in my opinion, with a basic sense of the game you can quickly take advantage of its virtues.

If you correctly apply these tips in the game your enemies will tilt quickly with your great damage.

Beware of CC mages and melee damagers like ZED will bother you a lot.

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Naafiri is the newest champion currently in League of Legends and everyone knows that new champions are always unbalanced, so take advantage of them to rank up and have fun winning with your friends!

"They think we're lapdogs, let's show them our teeth"...Naafiri.





Despues de mucho tiempo otra vez he vuelto a los post sobre mi progreso de las Mastery 7 en League Of Lgends, se me ha hecho un camino un poco largo por mi trabajo y los viajes que este conlleva, no puedo viajar con mi laptop y eso me limite a que solo pueda hacer ciertos post los fines de semana; el cual tambien es algo dificil porque si no trabajo los fines de semana entonces puedo estar descansando; y en un cerrar de ojos se acaba el fin de semana haha, pronto esto cambiara y podre hacer muchos post con mi nueva laptop!


Un middler champion asesino de daño fisico, un daño explosivo con una extrema movilidad, digno del new champion que nadie puede detener hasta que lo nerfeen y por supuesto ahi esta su Uncle Syde para aprovechar esta oportunidad.


Muy divertido de jugar pero tambien un poco dificil de dominar al maximo ya que es un asesino muy poderoso pero con defensas muy debiles, pero... a quien no le gusta los perritos?

En esta guia te enseño los trucos mas sucios y consejos para destruir a quien sea en la Midlaner, como armarte y como moverte por el mapa como asesino.

Asi que empecemos la GUIA👹


☠️Build y Runas☠️



Como runas llevaremos Primer Golpe, nuestro objetivo en la fase de linea es molestar a nuestro enemigo y sacar las mayor cantidad de oro posible para armar nuestros items de asesino lo mas rapido posible para nuestro power spike, ahorramos oro con Calzado Magico , Mercado de Futuros y Cazador de Tesoros.

Con estas herramientos conseguiremos nuestros items asesinos lo mas rapido posible para tener la ventaja de daño sobre nuestro enemigo .

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Nuestro primer item siempre sera Eclipse con eso tendremos daño adicional mas un escudo al dañar el enemigo, perfecto para Naafiri.

Luego seguiremos con la Cuchilla Oscura, ya que tenemos varias habilidades para hacer daño y nuestra pasiva de tener varios perros que atacan simultaneamente tambien aplican la pasiva de la Cuchilla Oscura le desgarras la armadura inmediatamente con un combo, super bueno.

Como tercer item siempre llevaremos Serylda Grudge mas penetracion de armadura con cooldown reduction y tus ataques relentizaran a los enemigos, si estas muy fed al principio de la partida puedes cambiarlo por Prowler Claw para aumentar tu daño al dashear.

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Llevaremos las botas de Ionian para el cooldown reduction de nuestras habilidades, podemos cambiarlas por botas de tenacidad si el enemigo tiene mucho control de masas.





Como asesino tenemos que priorizar cazar a nuestros enemigos cuando menos se lo esperan; antes de entrar al combate activamos nuestra Ultimate para aumentar nuestro daño considerablemente y movilidad

Guardamos nuestra W para el proximo enemigo, siempre tendremos nuestra W de sgunda mano, para asegurar el desplazamiento hacia el otro enemigo o predecir el flash del enemigo y asi que no se nos escape ninguna presa.

Guarden su Q para el mejor momento, el daño de Naafiri depende mucho de su Q asi que lancela cuando esten seguros de que la van a pegar, preferiblemente cuando estemos cuerpo a cuerpo del enemigo.

Perro que ladra no muerde? (10).gif

Este es el resultado de tener tus items primordiales rapido, te conviertes en la peor pesadilla de los ADC, ya tendremos un bue nnivel de Cooldown Reduction por lo tanto tendremos nuestras habilidades muy rapidamente, podemos abusar de nuestra E que es como un flash con daño, para movilizarnos entre paredes o adivinar el flash del enemigo, podemos utilizarlo junto la Q y E para maximizar el daño en un instante; ya que nuestro segundo lanzamiento de la Q hace mas daño mientras menos vida tenga el enemigo, asi que asegurate de pegar bien tus habilidades para luego ejecutarlo con el segundo lanzamiento de la Q

Nuestra W relentiza brevemente al enemigo asi que aprovecha esto para pegarle la primera Q.

Una vez que alcanzas tu powerspike es muy facil conseguir Kills alrededor del mapa. (11).gif

Naafiri no es tan dificil a mi parecer, con un sentido basico del juego puedes aprovechar rapidamente sus virtudes.

Si aplicas correctamente estos tips en el juego tus enemigos se tiltearan rapidamente con tu gran daño.

Ten cuidado de magos con CC y de los daño melee como ZED te molestaran mucho.

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Naafiri es el campeon mas nuevo actualmente en el League of Legends y todos saben que los campeones nuevos siempre estan desbalanceados, asi que aprovechalos para subir de Rank y divertirte ganando con tus amigos!

"Ellos creen que somos perritos falderos, mostremosle los dientes"...Naafiri.


I didn't think you could adapt so fast to the newest champion in the game, man. This champion is really strong, I didn't play it in normal game but I tried it in bot game. The damage of his Q ability is incredible and he is a different level assassin. I think you train very well, WP!

I think that after having more than 100 mastery 7 champions adapting is a little faster, Naafiri has basic assassin similarities like Talon and Talon is one of my mains❤️

After a long break, I entered the game and encountered this champion, he came from far away quickly and killed me in one hit, Riot doesn't seem to pay much attention to the balance of their new champions :))
After he killed me, I bought that champ, I'll give it a try :D
and still, 23/2/10 is a very successful score, congratulations mate.

oh yeah, it's quite annoying that a Naafiri appears next to you and deletes you from the game in just 2 seconds without any explanation haha

 last year  

Naafiri is op by design and that's because LoL is all about skill shots.

imagine a runnning Naafiri and you are an Ezreal using your Q to hit Naafiri, only to be blocked by one of the dogs.

Thats a good point, Naafiri's dogs acting as a shield for skillsshots, imagine when you activate your ultimate and have 6 dogs watching your back haha, soo sad.

Some people prefer to make Ravenous Hydra, which will add additional AD stacks with its Carnivorious passive. I haven't played much League of Legends on the computer due to lack of time. I hope he arrives quickly for WildRift, I like his mechanics of using a few pups.

oh yes, Ravenous Hydra is a good option when you are very fed, it usually comes after the Syldra; It's your occasional damage item.