Days Gone: A Hard Memory To Lay To Rest

in Hive Gaming2 years ago
Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers

In the previous episode of Days Gone I had to take care of some nasty business that involved a drifter causing major trouble in the Hot Springs Survivor Camp. He was called Limbo and he brutally murdered two innocent people during the night and fled before anyone found out and by the time anyone found out he was long gone and in the safety of his own encampment. What he didn't count on was that Tucker had options of people to send and Deeks loves a good old bounty.

It was a hard fight but it was one asshole removed from what remained of society.

After Limbo I decided to take a little break from the bounty hunting and the killing, I had something that I needed to get off the chest. Something that has been weighing me down for quite some time, Boozer kept on urging me to forget all about it but how can I?

Heck, how can he?

Sarah, I recently went out to pluck some flowers to put on her grave stone up in the mountains and I think it's time I get around to doing it. After making the necessary repairs on the motorcycle I decided to get on with it. Especially after knowing that the scientist from Sarah's camp are still alive, I need my closure now.

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It was hard coming back here, perhaps Boozer is right I should just forget all about it. But I had to visit one last time before me and Boozer packed our stuff and head North. Then, then I'll be able to put all of this behind me.

I should have never let her get on the helicopter, we should have made a plan some how some way.

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Flashbacks From Before

Sarah told Deeks that she shouldn't have come back but it was far too late for that now, they had to get out of there as things were getting out of hand, freakers running around everywhere and buildings set ablaze. It was in that moment where Deeks promised Sarah that he would keep her safe and that she doesn't have to worry about a thing but they had to get out of there.

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It wasn't long after that when Sarah got stabbed by a little kid, a little kid she was trying to help. It's ironic though isn't it? You get hurt the most in situations that would seem as safe as it can be.
This was the start of a big problem, Sarah was badly wounded and now they had to make a plan to get her out of there safely, but she was loosing a lot of blood.

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For the time being they found a safe place to hide, but the question begs for how long? Things were getting dire for Sarah, she had already lost a lot of blood and she was now getting fever. But in this warehouse where they thought they might be safe, they ran into a man that lost his mind. I mean who wont lose their minds in a situation like this, but he had to be calmed one way or another he was screaming loudly and attracted a lot of freakers, a problem that Deeks and Boozer didn't need more of.

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Deeks tried his best to reason with the man, but he was beyond the verge of coming back. As Deeks tried to reason with him he noticed that they man's wife lay dead on the ground. The man held Deeks at gunpoint accusing Deeks of murdering his wife, Deeks played it smart but he wasn't able to calm the man and well one thing led to another.

There Deeks was, killing his first man, little did he know that would not be the last man.

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It was on that fateful night that would be the last night that Deeks would see Sarah alive. It's a hard thing to make a promise and have death snatch it away from you.

A thing that can haunt a man for a lifetime to come.

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Back To Reality

By the time Deeks realized, day has turned into night and he had to get the hell out of that camp, other things came to life at night in the mountains, the sleeping hordes the scientists was talking about.

Boozer radioed asking him to stop by, since he was at base camp not being able to go out on bounty hunts he decided to do some crafting for Deeks. I wonder what he slapped together for Old Deeks today.

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Gunning my way back to Boozer at the safehouse I drove past a roadside motel when I heard gunshots going off, at first I thought well this is the end of me now and then I realized those shots weren't directed at me. It was someone stuck in the hotel and somehow he aggroed a few freakers and well he couldn't handle what was thrown at him.

Poor guy, I'll try my best to save his sorry ass.

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By the time I was able to get off the motorcycle there was already about 10 to 15 freakers chasing him, trying to save him now was pointless, I would only be putting myself in a dire situation.

I rather decided to start burning out the nests in the roadside motel, what the hell was that guy thinking making so much noise all alone where the freakers nest?

Deathwish perhaps?

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I almost got myself killed burning out the nests at the roadside motel, I suppose no risk no reward. But toying with my own life like this? Damn Deeks you're getting older and you've got to start being more carefull!

At-least that's one less site to worry about where the freakers could nest, might be I saved a few people that would have had the same fate as the oak I found here.

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Until the next episode! Keep on gaming like you've only got one life left!!


Dated 12/05/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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