Fighting In The Club! (A Hell Of A Way To Go!)

in Hive Gaming2 months ago
Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Back In Action!

So finding myself back at the apartment I re-evaluated what I discovered inside the warehouse! Just taking a quick look at it I can already see that I gained a lot of information on these thugs that killed my father eight years ago!

Things seem to be going at a faster pace than I thought it would but going with the motion is all we can do really!

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The Night Club!

So the next place to clear out with my fists would be the nightclub!

Not exactly sure who to find here and if they will even be here!
At first I noticed some bloaks chilling outside but they didn't seem to be bothered by me at all! They even told me that I wont be able to enter the club!

I doubt they know me at all!

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The bouncer was actually quite a tough one to crack! But I eventually whacked him out and the two bloaks outside chilling got hella worked up! I should have pounded them too!

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Filled With Thugs!

Now this club has been keeping me quite busy! From the moment I entered it to this point I've had to beat oaks up left and right and it was a joyous thing to go through! Especially those who think they are the shit!

Now I found myself on the dance floor and things are about to get wild!

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There is a lot more of these fuckers than I thought there would be! I better start batting them!

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No Rest For The Wicked!

I've went through quite a couple of rooms so far and things have been hectic as hectic can be!

Now one thing I can say is that these guys that count the money or stack the stash! Those with the blue gloves! Now those guys are quite hectic! They pack a real hard punch! Must be the drugs fueling them!

So far I've managed quite good! I haven't lost a life yet! However that might change soon enough!

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Am I to fight this guy? Am I seriously? It looks like a badass opponent!

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The Big Guys!

Now these are the serious mofo's, you don't want to mess with these guys at all! They pack a real hard punch and when they throw it they got the weight advantage! A hectic thing! Really hectic!

But I have to say the woman I spared earlier helped a lot for health generating during the middle of the battle but they really seemed to beat me hard these guys!

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Without a doubt this was a nice fight! It wasn't persay a boss fight but major fun none the less!

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Not Exactly The Boss, But The One Who Bested Me!

This was a tight fight! I give it that! I had a hell of a time to get through this guy and in the end I still failed!

Sad but true, I think this guy is going to require me to give my absolute best and then the question arises of the fact that I indeed have more levels to push and then I have to push even harder! To think that this is not the boss! At-least I am pretty sure about that!

That means I would have to return to fight another day right! Turn to fight another day!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive


Game looks pretty badass, not gonna lie! :D

It's really fun though but I have to say as fun as it can get it can also be hard as hell!!

I love games like that! It keeps it challenging/interesting and it forces you to adapt your methods! :) Glad you enjoy it! I'll have to try it out sometime! I'm a big gamer, so I love finding new hidden gems!

I really liked this game it looks great and the fights are very well done and the combat animations are very well done.

It was a very joyful experience hahaha, it sounds like you're on the beach enjoying the waves, but in reality you're finishing off those bullies.
You get defeated by one that's not the boss, well you have to fight again that's for sure, that big guy approaches you as if he were a gorilla hahaha, thank goodness it's a video game, if it weren't it you'd be in a hospital, these games get adrenaline pumping, that's the best