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RE: Dragon Age: Origins ~ what's wrong at Redcliffe Castle?

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

Have you been through that dreamy mission?

I can't recall exactly what it was but you were trapped in some dream world needing to kill the blight or something... But it was all fazey and blackish..

Laughs I hated that part I don't know why 😂

 2 years ago  

Yep ~ Back here! xD

Everyone hates the fade!! In all of my previous playthroughs except my very first, I got a mod so I could skip the fade. But I thought since I was writing this up I would actually do the stupid thing lol. I hate that bit of the game so much xD I mean, it's cool in theory. But actually playing it is a pain in the butt.

Laughs I wonder why everyone hates it... I've also spoken to a few people and they all seemed to mislike the adventure of the fade😂😂

 2 years ago  

I know why I hate it XD

There's so much backing and forthing and shape-shifting and going to one area only to have to go back to a different area in a different form. It sounds cool, shapeshifting and solving a great curse! But in actuality, it's just tiring and annoying.