Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
Time To Get Out!
So it's that time again! Time to ditch the city and the walls of Fedra! These guys are whack bozos! Thinking they can control the population or what is left of it for that matter!
Now we decided to split up! Tess helped the leader of the fireflies get some help and Me and Ellie went a different path, trying to get out of the city as quick as possible!
That in itself, escaping the city might not be as easy of a task as I think it might be! It's going to turn ugly if the series is any representation!
Dropping Like Flies!
Now I'll be honest! I am glad I ain't part of these fireflies anymore! These guys are dropping like flies, they don't seem to be flying like fireflies ey!
It seems that collecting these is a thing so I am going to be searching for them around every corner!
Killing Time!
Killing time is apparently a thing in this apocalyptic world! Well ain't nothing I can do about this! Now we only need Tess to show up and then we can be on our way out of this damned Fedra city!
This is where the game starts getting real good, where we will start to see some action!
Whether we will be killing some of those clickers or some of those Fedra bitches I am not sure yet! Soon to find out though!
Time To Escape!
By the time I finally awoke it was pitch black and pouring rain like mad!
The problem is that we have to go ahead with the plan as planned. Now whether it's hell or high water we have to keep going and going and going!
We can't sit around here waiting for better days! The rain might be a favourable moment for us!
It's like Ellie said! It looks terrifying outside! It's dark as hell out there! Imagine the things lurking around there!
The Outside!
So getting outside of the city walls wasn't exactly a hard task! I think what lies ahead is the real threat! That's also just the thing, I have no idea what lies on the outside of these walls! I mean I have an idea what does but I don't think I have any idea of the magnitude of the scale!
Loving the ambience lighting outside here!
Well That Didn't Take Long!
I really thought we would he hacking it out here for a nice long time! That didn't really go according to plan I see!
We were barely out there in the rain when some guards caught us! Funny thing is we halted for those guards to pass along, it seems like they were a bit smarter than the usual Fedra fucker!
Then The Unexpected!
Well then the unexpected happened, those guards trapping us down... well they proceeded to scan us for the infection! Of-course this wasn't at all a problem for us.
Not for us though, for Ellie it meant the end!
Ellie wasn't going out of this world on any other persons will! She was going to leave on her own terms! Whether that meant she would die in that moment or not!
No Action!
Apparently I wasn't meant to fight my way out of this place! I was meant to sneak out of here!
I only learned that after attempting to shoot my way out of here! It would seem that this game has a whole lot more to it than I think it does! The story is absolutely amazing!
So getting back to the story at hand!
They Don't Stop!
Just when I thought we were out of it!
They came pushing back down the main street! Now this time they were spread out and the chances of getting caught now was a superior problem for us! They would surely kill us after discovering those two dead guards earlier!
I doubt they would even consider scanning us!
We almost did get caught eventually!
Finally Freedom!
Well Freedom is sort of a hard thing to state! We might be free but freedom to do as we please is just not here! How we will miss society if everything falls to shit!
So now that were out of the city we have more troubling problems too worry about hey. People can be bargained with or at-least halted for a few! These creatures have one thing on mind and it is infecting more and more hosts!
Now this is where the real fun starts at!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive
How amazing is to see how the darkness in this game is so realistic, you can hardly see anything, no doubt this is a game to play in the dark, because in the light you can not see anything and it's annoying, good catches brother
@technicalside, I'm refunding 0.344 HIVE and 0.000 HBD, because there are no comments to reward.