Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
The Viking Warlords!
So I decided to be a Viking warlord again for the last and final time on the laptop!
Yeahp I refrained from playing it for quite some time because I wanted to have at it again on the PC where the graphics would have been ten times better!
But I wanted to share something different for a change and this was my go to! The last time I played I threw some stuff of an old man from a cliff and then that old man also jumped from the cliff! Terrible but that was how he wanted to enter Valhalla!
To that I had nothing to say as it was his decision!
The Highest Mountain!
There I found myself perched up on top of a high mountain! Having the need to find my way down fast I decided to claim the horse of the old man that sent himself to Valhalla.
Why not he didn't need it anymore right?
I had to reach Alrekstad to speak with Sigurd, that is the town below in the valley! Quite far away right! So I better start running!
The Young Warriors!
Just before reaching the valley floor I ran into a group of kids that desperately wanted to play at war and I was the right man for the job! I had those fantasies myself when I was a young Viking so I could not resist in helping them dream big!
It would be wrong of me... besides the practice might help them when the real wars come!
The young Viking also had a nack for some good rhymes!
Off to war it was! I helped them clear out a little make-shift village they put together with straw and stick enemies!
Although after the battle they sang songs of defeating the Raven Clan, which was my clan... I see we will meet each other on a battlefield one day!
Reaching Alrekstad!
After finally reaching Alrekstad, I did die in between though I for a moment thought this village was one I needed to capture but it wasn't the NPC's were really high level and stupid me thought I could take my time in cutting them up slowly!
This did not at all worked and I calmed myself and went in search of Sigurd to speak with him!!
Behaving myself here was of utmost importance, these NPC's can slay me with one cut!
A Tavern Full Of Enemies!
There was one problem though, meeting up with Sigurd meant I was feasting with enemies! Luckily not at the same table!
I will not share mead and meat with an enemy! I was told to not make a fuss of it as we are under the Kings banner upholding the Kings peace!
So I refrained from doing anything, for now!
A Stain Of Honor!
After Sigurd left I spoke with Basim... He gave me a way to enter Gorm's encampment and likely slay him.
Not sure how well that would bode for me since we were still under the Kings peace no matter what!
But I still heard him out and tried what knowledge he wanted to hand over!
Gorm was a stain of honor that had to be dealt with!
After sneaking into Gorm's encampment I challenged him to a duel outside of the village bounds! He rejected this offer, I bet he is afraid of dying to my sword and slandering the rest of his familys name!
The Feast Began!
After not killing Gorm I went onwards to the feast the King held!
This likely turned to be in my favour! The feast began and everyone bid their loyalties to King Harald! Some gave him their land and some gave him their swords!
Among those was Gorm! Gorm also gave untrue accusations towards me, saying I poisoned his father! This was not true and King Harald knew this to be false! He was utterly disgusted by Gorm's remarks and asked me what I wanted to happen to him because of shaming my clan!
I gave King Harald the decision and he was banished and will now forever be known as the worm!
Sigurd's father also handed his kingdom over to King Harald to make sure that peace lasted aslong as it could! With that Sigurd was utterly upset! He wanted nothing else but his fathers kingdom! What was rightfully his!
All was set in stone and no going back!
And so the feasting began!
What Awaits Us!
Sigurd took the blow and did not want to recover from it! His would not be shamed like that!
Upon returning to Raven Clan village he devised a plan of his own! To go over to England! He spoke to his village and was left with the decision of doing what Ragnar did many moons ago!
He gave me the decision of deciding on whether we will take the resources of the village with us or leave it to King Harald! I decided that King Harald should have it since his father already gave it over!
So we will be crossing over to England with nothing but what we can carry!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive
It's fascinating how much depth this game offers. The decision to cross to England with only what you can carry feels like the start of a legendary saga, good luck with your journey ahead.
I'm not exactly sure if my character will be crossing over though, I think I'll be staying behind in the viking world but stuff really took a turn of events😅
It's a nice game and can not wait to play it on the new pc!
You got a new PC?! Or about to get one?
Already got it but games are so damned big.
So I set it up two weeks ago and then I went on holiday for two weeks so I'm back home as of today and started downloading a bunch of stuff.. already have Forza 5 and Grounded downloaded.
Not the best Pc only got an upgrade kit but that already did wonders!
I had a 5th gen Intel Core I3 with DDR3 ram and a normal HDD
I upgraded to a Ryzen 7 5700 4.6ghz boosted and base 3.7 ghz which is amazing... with 32gb DDR4 ram 3200MHZ and a MSI A520m pro motherboard. The board is pretty standard .
Then I still have the 1660TI with 6gb gddr6 ram.
GPU'S Are just way to expensive but I'm more than happy with this. Everything is looking real crisp!
The upgrade seems like a fortune comparing to the old one.