Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
In the last episode of The Witcher 3 Saga Geralt was dead set on a mission to find Hjalmar who is Crach of Clan An Craite son. Hjalmar set out to the island of Undvik to slay the Ice Giant that has taken over the damned place! Undvik along with a large group of men.
As Geralt made his way through the island he encountered a lot of places where the men of Clan An Craite but more so the men who followed Hjalmar died. Some things also didn't add up, they made a camp at some abandoned tower and before these men were attacked someone left the camp and I have a slight feeling it's the one that the trolls abducted!
Times Running Out Of Time!
I decided to turn my attention to finding Hjalmar first and then head back for whoever got abducted by the Ice Trolls after all I did come here for Hjalmar and bringing him back alive was the most important thing of all! Any other I can bring back alive was merely a bonus!
As I approached the ruined town of Dorve I heard the sounds of men fighting creatures! I hastily made my way over and found one man taking on two Sirens at the same time!
A tough old bastard!
Hjalmar's Persistent Nature!
From what Geralt has found since he landed on this damned rock was blood and dead men and finding Hjalmar alive almost seemed impossible but there he was in the living flesh!
He fought the Sirens with the last man he had left! Although he didn't make it out, he bled to death after one of the Siren's gutted him! A foul way to leave this world!
Hjalmar thanked Geralt for the help, if not for him he'd have spent much longer trying to kill those damned flying monsters!
Vigi The Loon!
Both Geralt and Hjalmar knew what to expect the moment they walked into the caves, after all they've witnessed the Ice Giant with their own eyes, they just had to manage to kill it without getting either of themselves killed!
Neither one of them expected to find someone alive in the Ice Giants lair but low and behold there he was! Vigi The Loon! placed in some sort of make shift cell!
A treat for the Ice Giant when he got real hungry!
Geralt had to make his way over to the chest that contained the key to Vigi's makeshift cell. He treaded all along the stone as to avoid the crunching of the snow under his feat.
The Ice Giant was deep asleep and waking him would not be the ideal thing to do, given that Hjalmar has already lost most his men except for Vigi and the one that was caught by the Ice Trolls!
Hjalmar Was Right!
Hjalmar didn't want to release Vigi at-least not straight away! According to Hjalmar, Vigi was something of a loon and after Geralt opened his cell this became evidently clear!
_As Geralt told him that they should get out of there, he tapped him on the shoulder confirming what he said but also after Vigi killed the Ice Giant!
What Vigi did next shocked even Geralt! But if there's one thing we can call Vigi it would not be that he is a coward or a craven!
A man without an inch of fear in his heart!
After releasing Vigi he grabbed his sword and ran straight to the sleeping giant and kicked him on the head!
Not something I would see Geralt ever doing but damn what a beast! Most men would have tried to kill the giant in his sleep but this Vigi. No he wanted a proper fight or a proper death! One that can be sung about for years to come.
So it began!
Locked In Between A Hard Place And A Hard Beast!
Now none of them had any choice but to face the Ice Giant!
Well Vigi didn't mind this at all! I would assume Hjalmar either! Geralt well I'm doubtfull that he'd want to die in such a cold and frozen wasteland so far from home!
Killing this beast was a thing that must be done now!
After Vigi's kick to the head I think he must have made this Ice Giant even more angry than ever!
As soon as the Ice Giant noticed that he was fighting three men he decided to up the stakes a little! He grabbed a hold of an old anchor that was lodged in between some rocks and started swinging that heavy clump of metal around!
They now had to ensure that every step they took was a sure footed one!
A thing that I never expected!
As it appears all three of us made it through this battle with the Ice Giant!
The strongest will always prevail right! Now after the battle Vigi and Hjalmar stared at each other and all of a sudden both of them broke out in laughter!
Real tough men these bastards! Nothing like a Skelliger on a battlefield!
I did run into one small problem though and that was that I went on to find Hjalmar first and not the man in the cave that the trolls abducted. Now by doing this I finished the quest and missed out on rescuing him.
So what I want to do is replay this little part and have him saved!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
Dated 10/12/2023

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The quests in this island were so good. I remember the giant beat the shit out of me the first time I fought him.
🤣 They are good and I missed most of them my first play through.
I also struggled a lot to defeat him the first time and I think Vigi died. I wasnt able to pound the giant fast enough!
I am going to replay that part because I never went to rescue that guy that was taken by the Ice trolls and I heard that if you rescue him he helps you fight the wild hunt!
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God there are ways to die, but gutted heck, although if I were a warrior as strong as Geralt well I'd like to die that way instead of a cold haha, I think.
The rest of the Gameplay is very good and the mission was touching, keep it up bro. :)
Laughs bud, well yeah Id want some honourable death as well 🤣 imagine tripping and falling off a cliff how anti climatic🫠😃😃
I did want to achieve a little more with the quests on the island, I still had one bloak that I needed to rescue so I might even do a replay to save that guy
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