A warm greeting to everyone in this amazing Hive Gaming community. I hope you are having a great day.
Today I bring you a game called Lego Marvel Avengers is an Action and Adventure game.
I come to share with you the story mode in the format of lego games of this group of Super heroes that brought us so much joy with their movies.
Don't forget your coffee and I hope you enjoy and like my post, let's get started!
Spanish version
Un cordial saludo a todos en esta increíble comunidad Hive Gaming. Espero que estén pasando un excelente día.
Hoy les traigo un juego llamado Lego Marvel Vengadores es un juego de Acción y Aventura.
Vengo a compartir con ustedes el modo historia en el formato de los juegos de lego de este grupo de Súper héroes que tantas alegrías nos trajo con sus películas.
No olviden su cafecito y espero que disfruten y les guste mi post. ¡Empecemos!

The city is in complete chaos, there is destruction everywhere and it is full of enemies, my job is to eliminate them and free the people who are at risk at all costs.
Spanish version
La ciudad es un completo caos ahí destrucción por todos lado y esta repletos de enemigos mi trabajo es eliminarlos y liberar a las personas que están en riesgo a toda costa.

I have to rescue 5 civilians who are at risk but first I had to eliminate the Chitauri that were near them luckily I have a good combination of attacks with my three characters. The first person I rescued was relatively safe because she was only enclosed by debris but the second one was trapped by a wall and I had to get her out as soon as possible.
Spanish version
Me toca rescatar a 5 civiles que están en riesgo pero primero me toco eliminar a los Chitauri que se encontraban cerca de ellos por suerte tengo una buena combinación de ataques con mis tres personajes. La primera persona que rescate estaba relativamente a salvo ya que solo estaba encerrada por escombros pero la segunda si estaba grave estaba atrapada por una pared y tuve que sácala lo más pronto posible.

I love Loki he's my favorite character but he's starting to annoy me hahahaha he passed by us and attacked us and blew up the whole area where we were.
Spanish version
Me encanta Loki es mi personaje favorito pero ya me está comenzando a molestar jajajaja paso cerca de nosotros y nos atacó haciendo explotar toda la zona donde nos encontrábamos.

After clearing the other area I head towards the bridge as there were more civilians there and to my luck there was an enemy with a ship shooting from all sides when I approached I was defeated without mercy without counting that there were more enemies in the area.
Spanish version
Luego de despejar la otra zona me dirijo hacia el puente ya que ahí había mas civiles y para mi suerte se encontraba un enemigo con una nave disparando por todos lados al acercarme me derroto sin piedad sin contar que había mas enemigos en la zona.

With Black Widow I had to jump over some bars to get to the bus that was next to the tunnel so I could surprise attack the enemy that was using the ship to attack us, thanks to his ability to become invisible, it was easy for me to get to him and shoot him down.
Spanish version
Con Black Widow tuve que saltar por unas barras para llegar al autobús que se encontraba al lado del túnel para poder atacar por sorpresa al enemigo que estaba usando la nave para atacarnos gracias a que cuento con su habilidad para hacerse invisible se me hizo sencillo llegar a él y derribarlo.

With all the pieces I got I managed to assemble a giant hydraulic jack to flip the bus and put it in its original position and to my surprise here was another civilian trapped.
Spanish version
Con todas las piezas que conseguí logre armar un gato hidráulico gigante para voltear el autobús y ponerlo en su posición original y para mi sorpresa aquí se encontraba otro civil atrapado.

Already with these are two more civilians rescued but the second one was in a strange place, he was trapped in the window of that store and I had to destroy the glass to free him, I think he wanted to take advantage to do other things.
Spanish version
Ya con estos son dos civiles más rescatados pero el segundo estaba en un lugar raro quedo atrapado en la vitrina de ese local y tuve que destruir el vidrio para liberarlo, Yo creo que este quería aprovechar para hacer otras cosas.

The last two civilians were being intimidated by the Chitauri and together with Captain America I put out the fire to eliminate them as quickly as possible since there were several of them and when I released the hostages more of them appeared.
Spanish version
Los dos últimos civiles se encontraban siendo intimidados por los Chitauri y junto al capitán américa apague el fuego para ir a eliminarlos lo más rápido posible ya que eran varios de ellos y cuando libere a los rehenes aparecieron más de ellos.

I managed to rescue all the civilians who were in danger but there are still threats in the city Iron Man was distracting the huge creature while we came up with a plan to eliminate it and we headed to the bridge to continue controlling the situation here on earth but for a moment we were surrounded and Thor came to our aid this war is being epic.
Spanish version
Logre rescatar a todos los civiles que se encontraban en peligro pero aun así quedan amenazas en la ciudad Iron Man se encontraba distrayendo a la enorme criatura mientras se nos ocurriera un plan para poder eliminarla y nosotros nos dirigimos al puente para seguir controlando la situación aquí en tierra aunque por un momento nos rodearon y Thor Llego en nuestra ayuda esta guerra está siendo épica.
I'm loving how the game is going, it's being chaos everywhere, enemies keep popping up and there are challenges everywhere as well as the hostages I had to rescue, I'm having a great time.
Loki is definitely stressing me out every time I think the situation is calm he comes to make things worse he is my favorite character and I love him but haaaaaaaaa. He can't be doing so many things. hahahahaha.
I wonder how we will eliminate that giant creature and I want to see how we will do it plus there is still a hero to appear I wonder where he will be.
Spanish version
Me está encantando cómo va el juego está siendo un caos por todos lados no paran de salir enemigos y ahí retos en todos lados así como los rehenes que tuve que rescatar me la estoy pasando genial.
Loki definitivamente me está estresando cada vez que pienso que la situación está tranquila viene el a empeorar las cosas es mi personaje favorito y me encanta pero haaaaaaa. No puede ser que haga tantas cosas. jajajaja
Me pregunto cómo eliminaremos a esa criatura gigante ya quiero ver como lo haremos además aún falta un héroe por aparecer me pregunto dónde estará.
- PS3 Slim 500gb
- Camera 10 moons generic
- JBL Quantum 100
- Capturadora De Video Hdmi A Usb 2.0
- PC Escritorio:
- 12 gm Ram
- i5 - 4 nucleos 3.10 GHz
- 500 Gb HDD
- 2 Gb Video AMD Radeon 5450 HD
- Monitor Sansumg 19 Pulgadas
You can get the game Lego Marvel Avengers at your favorite video game store.
The screenshots were taken in my player profile thanks to the capturer and the obs studio program.
The editions are mine.
If you like you can see the other chapters of this series here:
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14
Thanks so much for stopping by to read my post, I hope you are having a great day, Thanks for stopping by!
Spanish version
Puedes conseguir el juego Lego Marvel Avengers en tu tienda de videojuegos favorita.
Las capturas de pantalla se hicieron en mi perfil de jugador gracias a la capturadora y al programa obs studio.
Las ediciones son mías.
Si gustas puedes ver los demás capítulos de esta seria aquí:
Parte 1 - Parte 2 - Parte 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Parte 7 - Parte 8 - Parte 9 - Parte 10 - Parte 11 - Parte 12 - Parte 13 - Part 14
Muchas gracias por venir a leer mi post, espero que estés teniendo un gran día, ¡Gracias por venir!

Loki is such a character. You love him but he keeps making your life a mess. This entire post is filled with chaos. What a mess! Now who is going to clean up everything? xD
It's chaos on the ground and in the air, and Loki is a headache. I love it but it's stressful hahahaahah
I want to play this game. This game is playing PC or mobile.
Hi, I play it on my PS3 console my friend, you would have to search if it is available for pc.