Off to the bunker he goes
It was time to head back up to the bunker so it can be cleared out and another quest will get completed in the process. Some Stingwing's were along the way and are always fiesty little speedy things.. which are easily burned to death with the napalmer being used almost all of the time now!
Of course there are times when the explosive pistol gets used and does a good amount of damage and quickly, so it is worth the weapon swap to not use all the fuel, for the napalmer so quickly.
"Die you stupid little bugs!" Arghrash shouted as he killed the last one during V.A.T.S and with the explosive pistol.
On top of a hill was a lookout point that had a protectron unit, still not yet activated but the place was empty at this point in time.
Once he had checked out the place and was ready, he activated this unit with the usual law enforcement personality, so it can roam and sort out anything that wants to mess with it. Then a sleep on the bed there before heading back out again.
When he finally got back to the bunker but sat back from a different spot.. he couldn't notice any laser turrets this time which was weird.
"Guess I can't complain and better come in from the side where it is safe" he mumbled as he moved from the left hand side, getting to and unlocked the door.
Upon entering the bunker, Arghrash was instantly greeted with a barrage of laser fire, amongst his napalmer fire that were destroying Paladin Brandis quite easily.. "Too bad Paladin Brandis. You shouldn't have left and definitely, should not have instantly attacked me" he said to the burnt and lifeless body.
Some nearby loot included some needed chems to be stocking up again, a fusion core which is always welcome so the power armour is constantly powered, and then Brandis had some stimpaks as the main thing wanted. Of course his survivor's special legendary weapon lying near him, was a great addition to the already powerful arsenal, Arghrash had gathered.
On the way back from the bunker so he could get to safety before turning in for the night, he came across some mirelurks nearby to a little body of water and a drain pipe.
One of them had gotten close to hitting him. He kept on moving back though so the fire would burn the mirelurk and not even a sweat was worked up here.
"Ah shit this isn't going to be good" Arghrash said as he saw a legendary deathclaw heading his way.. but there was no hesitation in launching a barrage of fire its way, starting off the damage be it only a smaller amount of bits getting taken off.
A failed nuka grenade throw and what a waste to mess up on something so strong he only had one of!
But the battle continued and so did the napalmer balls of fire in order to keep taking it down more and more, backing up and getting to safety as it got close.
It was a long and tiring fight.. Arghrash got it down until it mutated which required even more damage so it could be brought down nice and low. Eventually it saw the Deathclaw getting killed and an exhausted Arghrash, walk back to the boathouse while looking out for any further, possible enemies that might appear.
Only thing left before heading back, was to claim whatever legendary item was waiting for him. A chameleon metal left arm which will help for the times he sneaks around, but how often is that?
Well it is something extra as a possibility, in case he needs to!
This was Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part fourty six. Be sure to stay tuned to see what crazy things happen next and how Arghrash goes with surviving.
You can find Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part fourty five here
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