Orcanorc's Magical Journey - A Skyrim Tale - Part Twenty Four

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

The Elder Scrolls V  Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2024.10.26 - b.png

Swindler's Den is tough

It was time to get through Swindler's Den which was met with some stronger bandits and care was not taken right after getting inside the cave.

A bandit thug with his two handed weapon, managed to get massive damage onto Orcanorc and quickly so that he could execute him and show off the strength gained over the bandit's fighting career.

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Luckily for the next attempt there was care taken and this bandit thug got blasted with creeping cold, also the frost scimitar so then along with the rest of the group and his summon, the bandit was easily slayed.

Another was further on and manageable by using the same method, bringing the next bandit thug to a slowdown death. "Yeah I hope you like feeling the creeping death I am giving you and nobody else messes around with me" Orcanorc shouted as he got more destruction experience.

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The Elder Scrolls V  Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2024.10.26 -

The next part involved a narrow passage with a mass amount of enemies on the other side to make the damage concentrated to the passage area.

One death in here and then the level up to magicka was used, but it was about to get shockingly toasty in this passage.. the crackle was used a few times before Melka's staff which was now charged up a lot, was used to explode the enemies or at least deal huge damage to weaken them!

"Ha, that thing is deadly and you use it well to miss my head from behind" claimed Vorstag. They continued with the slaughter before looting the bodies and moving to get the captured wench.

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On the table near the wench was some gold, a coin purse with gold, a necklace and a gem for the taking. The group were happy with the loot due to how tough it was to get but the value of some of the items including the gold ruby necklace on one of the bodies.

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"Thank you for saving me, are you sure they are all taken care of now?" the wench asked.

"We made sure there were no survivors but we better get out of here before they find us, any others that were out and not in the cave" Orcanorc replied before they all left Swindler's Den.

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Or so they thought it was all clear as they made their way to the exit.. a bandit chief and another bandit were guarding the way out of this place, at first the chief was hit with magic to weaken him a little but the strength was high. Berserker rage got activated and the chief and bandit, got slaughtered by all with some devastating blows to clear the way out.

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The Elder Scrolls V  Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2024.10.26 -

"Let me check this chest first, Orcanorc" said Lydia as her curiosity saw her eyes lightening up. Everyone had a look and everything was good in it. Dwarven shield was a decent value, nice bit of gold, refined moonstone and a staff of rift bolts that can sell for a decent chunk of gold as well.

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The group headed back to Windhelm stables and with the longstride due to carrying too much and needing the spell to help out, Orcanorc led the way into Windhelm and the group will have to check out what shops or other cool things the city has, while they are here anyway.

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The Elder Scrolls V  Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2024.10.26 -

This was Orcanorc's magical journey - A Skyrim tale - Part Twenty Four

Stay tuned for more adventures and tales of Orcanorc's journey through the lands of Skyrim.

You can find Orcanorc's Magical Journey - A Skyrim Tale - Part Twenty Three here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Skyrim Special Edition with mods.

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This wanted to look like mino g for gol underground more like cave explorers but its a great adventure