Master vampire must die!
After talking with Jarl Idgrod again to discuss Alva's journal and what was found, she was asking if Orcanorc could help take out the master vampire and stop these killings and madness around here.
"We will go and deal with the master vampire but it will be a hard fight" he said back before she offered multiple people to help with defeating it.
A mob had been rallied by the Jarl, in order to go to and fight the master vampire at its lair and they were all hyped up for killing it that this poor troll got torn apart by the mob and Orcanorc's group.
"Alright men let's go rally as this bastards lair and prepare to fight" one of the mob shouted as the rest cheered and they all went to wait outside the front of the lair.
Unfortunately the only one for the town's mob that wanted to come help, was Thonnir and he was keeping back so he wouldn't be the focus, of attacks from vampires.
So inside Movarth's lair they went and with a sense of fear among them, not knowing how tough this place would be or what to expect. It was some spiders at first and it was not a good start, due to missing the dragon's tooth attacks on the big spider, almost dying and having to get some healing done before finishing the spider off.
Leveling up saw magicka grow a bit more but the perk point was not used yet, he was deciding what it should be used on to improve his skills.
After killing the spiders, a pair of vampire's thrall had attacked Lydia, the avenging wraith got summoned but it wasn't really needed since there was so much damage!
"Easy pickings for us" Lydia claimed after getting the final swing out.
"Alright it is time to get this battle underway" announced Orcanorc while recharging his eye of melka staff as the others start to charge in and attack the master vampire.
With a freshly charged eye of melka staff it was time to blast away the master vampire, named Movarth Piquine.
The staff blast along with the summoned ghost and team, was super destructive to ensure Movarth was getting hit hard and constantly. The fire from the blast had almost taken off Orcanorc's face, luckily he was so much stronger now and only took a small amount of damage.
The fight continued on for a short while and Orcanorc took a little more damage from Movarth but stood tall.
"Sorry Movarth but, you have done enough terrorising of the Morthal residents and now you are the one who won't be living any longer.. well living dead" Orcanorc said as one final blast took the rest of Movarth's health and he burned to ensure he won't come back.
It was time to clear out the rest of the vampires in this lair and make it a safer place and ensure the Morthal residents, can rest easy again!
Some vampires had come straight after Movarth was killed, wanting revenge but having no hope because they too, burned to death but even easier.
Up a bit further was another vampire which had come around the corner and straight into the bound sword of Orcanorc's, an execution style death with fitting and about time, to happen in this place amongst the chaos and destruction caused.
All that was left was to finish looting this area and see what is worth taking, head toward the exit and then get out of here so the Jarl can be told, of Movarth being killed now.
Movarth's boots were found which could be used, likely to be sold off for the high value but he won't decide right away.. The big loot came from a big chest that was found nearby. The robes and circlet of illusion will sell nicely, should Orcanorc not decide to dive into some illusion spells and the dwarven armour, Vorstag can hold onto for now. Warhammer is going to disenchant nicely so the enchantment, can be used for another weapon and be good for spellcaster type enemies.
This was Orcanorc's magical journey - A Skyrim tale - Part Twenty Six
Stay tuned for more adventures and tales of Orcanorc's journey through the lands of Skyrim.
You can find Orcanorc's Magical Journey - A Skyrim Tale - Part Twenty Five here
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