Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Fifteen

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

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This is where the S.S. Anne ends

This is a play through of Pokemon Blue by using RetroArch to emulate the game. I am randomising the Pokemon in areas with similar strength so it isn't completely randomised, while choosing three starters of similar types

Battling against the next gentleman would not be a hard one like the other, since it is just ekans and pidgey being used and while the ekans wrap helps to damage Goliath's Pokemon, he keeps it under control easily, while then easily showing the strength of that Grimer of his.

It was another satisfying victory with the big amount of money won again, increasing his pockets to be lined and ready for the poke mart and later on when needing new items to be bought.

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A lass had a Dratini which is weird to be on the other end of one but after being paralysed and having to heal it up during Dratini's wrap, it allowed Venonat to get some good tackles off between wrap doing damage to it.

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Around the ship in the rooms and even in a bin there are goodies that could be found. After getting a technical machine in a room Goliath had battled some of the next trainers in, he found the kitchen which upon searching the trash on word from one of the staff in there, a great ball was found.

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Off to the front of the ship where some sailors and others were enjoying the wind and fresh air, a couple of battles were fought out here with the first seeing a Squirtle and a Drowzee being defeated by Dratini with some ease.. except for the Drowzee getting some good damage out among being paralysed.

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The next sailor had a Sandshrew with a deadly slash attack, managing to defeat Goliath's Grimer and the Sandshrew had to be finished off by the Dratini.

But level twenty and learning agility on Dratini over leer, was achieved from facing off against Sandshrew and the follow up Pidgeotto could then be defeated, after a close battle.

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More battles were fought in the last corridor of the ship which saw a Hitmonlee as one being battled against so that helped the pokedex and so did the Jynx another trainer had, then the trainers kept being beaten one after another which there weren't a lot left.

Luckily a body slam technical machine was found in one of the rooms, it got taught to Grimer to give it another move which would be more powerful than pound.

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Finally it was time to face off against Hive once again to see who really was the better trainer at this point in time.. he was left as a battle before meeting the captain for the cut move to be learned.

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It started off with a Grimer against Hitmonchan matchup and this Grimer's body slam was a deadly move, bringing three hits to take Hitmonchan out and getting to level twenty five.

Nidorino up next and nothing exciting since body slam did a lot of work once more. The level difference really helps to ensure the damage stays at a higher level.

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Dodrio was a challenge to face off against for that fury attack, well it did a lot of work with that increased speed Dodrio has and ensuring Grimer was punished hard before it got the upper hand with its body slams and that leads to what was out next.

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Growlithe was the last and also the starter Pokemon for Hive. It didn't end up doing that much since roar was not effective, it got hit by body slam and suddenly it was lights out for Hive's Growlithe and it was an easy victory in this rival battle.

After they parted ways to leave Goliath to see the captain, only to find out he was sick and required his back rubbed, the move cut can now be taught through the machine picked up, it will help get to other places with any bushes or little trees in the way, requiring cutting them down.

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Emulator used: RetroArch with a Gameboy Colour core
ROMS: Pokemon Blue after being put through the randomiser
Saving: (Used for quick loading and for getting back to before I had all Pokemon faint, if I lose and so it is quicker.)

This was Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part

Stay tuned to see how I go with leveling, what team I am using and my journey as I progress through Pokemon Blue.

You can find Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Fourteen here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Pokemon Blue with randomised same level areas and using Venonat as the starter.

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