I will warn you, sorcereries are nice at first, but have a hard time later. Magic generally is the easy route in Dark Souls games as it is far easier than actually having combat. But in Elden Ring the only viable spell is Glintstone Pebble, the same one you get at the start as other spells cost more mana and do less damage.
I would also suggest to always go a melee character your first play through so you can experience the game like it was meant to be played, without the training wheels.
I started a Let's Play for Elden Ring, it's a new character (dex) from my main (str based) that I am streaming exclusively for Hive on YouTube.
I've heard that from others but I think a lot of people just don't like the mage classes because they make the game feel easier. I've checked out a few mage guides and there are a lot of cool and powerful spells that you can get and they show you how to get them. I don't mind wearing training wheels with this game. I would rather enjoy my time playing it and not rage.
That is true, but that's pretty normal for Dark Souls, they have always been easy mode.
From what I have experienced on my socrcer and what I have heard, the more powerful spells ultimately do far less damage per mana point than the basic Glintstone Pebble you get at the start which results in you just spamming that spell instead. It's boring and provides no real progression.
We shall see. If it turns out being dumb, I can just reroll a new guy.
I plan on changing mine to faith, after getting a ways into the game you can reallocate points.
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