Aww, being honest, causing chaos with an old lady looked more cool than the last game. It's similar to Soul Knight only in the visual aspect, but the gameplay style seems completely different.
Why didn't you decide to buy Plague Inc? It's actually a pretty cool game imo, I used to play it a ton in its phone version years ago. I never managed to pass the first level (I think the difficulty was divided on viruses, I don't remember exterminating the whole world with the first virus XD).
With Plague Inc, mostly it was because I played it sooooo much back when it was on Newgrounds years and years ago. Wasn't sure if it was really worth it to buy the standalone version or not after experiencing the original so many times.
That old people game really could've been great, but the controls were whack and it wasn't as fun as advertised. Sadly. I really wanted to like that one! ☹️ It had been on my wish list for aaaages. Grabbed it immediately in the sale. And was almost immediately disappointed.