It's been a while since I've seen one of your videos dude, the intro music is pretty nostalgic.
I'll be honest: The only class I liked was the one you picked, who would pick the prisoner? wtf. It gives me a good laugh how at the beginning of the video you showed the self-esteem you have with this style of games. You're already 100% sure you'll die a million times, but you're thankful that it also seems a little easier XD (which I honestly doubt it's easier).
The game doesn't look bad at all, and honestly I find the messages written on the floor by players (or so I hope they are) quite funny. Especially the one that says "But hole" XD.
What's the point of placing a boss without even giving you a tutorial about how to play, are all Souls like that? I think you've played one before. What would have happened if you had defeated that boss? mmmmmm
That whole map at minute 21 looks amazing, and the yellow tree is even more amazing. I think that's what will make you forget how much this game is going to abuse you: The beautiful scenery will be worth it.
I wonder what goes through your head to shoot a knight riding a horse in armor. I mean, why, seriously the first thing that comes to your mind is to shoot him with a bow? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I liked that the knight seemed to destroy the structure you got into to save your progress, it seems like the world is pretty dynamic and adaptable.
You missed like 20 arrows on an enemy who didn't even know you were shooting at him, bruh..
anyways, jk with u dude. It's quite nostalgic to watch one of your videos again because it reminds me so much of when I came back here. I also noticed that I don't even need subtitles anymore because I can understand most of the things you say: I officially improved my listening quite a lot thanks to you (before I couldn't even assimilate what the fuck you were saying).
It will be great to continue watching you die in Elden Ring dude :P
Haha yeah man had to go for the Samurai. Only choice for me to be honest lol. I knew from the very beginning that I was gonna suck at this game dude. Everyone kept telling me "this one is super noob friendly" and what do I get. No tutorial and a huge enemy on horseback right off the bat.
The gamne looks great and I like it that way so far. I need to disable those messages somehow lol there's too many of them.
Man I don't wanna spoil anything but I think that very first boss was kinda special where you are kinda supposed to die but if you don't and actually defeat him you might get a nice surprise :D
Haha dude in my head I was like " hey this guy looks dangerous but since he is the first maybe he is super weak and I'm just really strong or something. Turns out it wasn't like that at all though..
Yeah I really liked that the building started collapsing too. Also those 20 arrows was super annoying man. I already suck at aiming with a controller but even the auto lock on didn't work for me there lol.
Hahaha well that's good to hear man. I am glad you finally understand something. It will be great to die in Elder Ring man. :D