¡Hola a todos!
Hoy por fin traje un nuevo post de Albion, y MUY MUY probablemente comience a traer un montón de posts acerca de Albion. He estado pensando en aprovechar que juego más de 8 horas al día e intentar hacer una serie de posts acerca de Albion, o tal vez haga guías y series de videos explicando ciertas cosas acerca del juego.
Honestamente he estado pensando bastante en comenzar a recuperar toda mi actividad en Hive. Estoy considerando hacer unos cambios en mi vida porque pronto tendré que abandonar Colombia y bueno, debo trabajar en cosas que me permitan tener un ingreso cuando esté en mi hermoso país XD.

Mi progreso en Albion ha sido absurdamente bueno, ya estoy cerca de cumplir un mes jugando y estoy cerca de doblar la fama total que tenía en mi personaje cuando comencé a jugar. Muchas personas se han unido a jugar, pero la mayoría de ellos han abandonado y no los juzgo haha, Albion es un juego que requiere una cantidad absurda de tiempo para sacarle rentabilidad y poder sentir que estás avanzando, pero jugar 12 horas al día como yo es una exageración, pero estoy segurísimo de que los resultados se harán notar muy pronto.

Me gustaría describir toda la cantidad de cosas por las que he pasado, incluso siendo gankeado por más de 7 jugadores y yo teniendo un gear bastante pobre. Esto es algo que incluso yo hago porque actualmente estoy en un gremio de personas bastantes geniales y la he pasado increíble, cosa que ha hecho mi experiencia muchísimo más placentera al jugar.
Probablemente hable mucho más a profundidad acerca de esto en un post exclusivo acerca de mi experiencia en Albion luego de jugar por un mes. Por ahora, solo vean este pequeño transporte de corazones que hicimos @mrwisu, @perceval, @franzzonline y yo. Una de las formas más conocidas para hacer silver en Albion, y al mismo tiempo bastante divertidas XD.
Como siempre, muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo para ver y muchas gracias por comentar. Gracias por haber leído todo esto.
English version

Hello everyone!
Today I finally brought a new Albion post, and VERY VERY probably I will start bringing a lot of posts about Albion. I've been thinking about taking advantage of playing more than 8 hours a day and try to make a series of posts about Albion, or maybe I'll make guides and video series explaining certain things about the game.
Honestly I've been thinking a lot about starting to get all my activity back on Hive. I'm considering making some changes in my life because soon I will have to leave Colombia and well, I must work on things that will allow me to have an income when I'm in my beautiful country XD.

My progress in Albion has been absurdly good, I'm already close to a month into playing and I'm close to doubling the total fame I had on my character when I started playing. Many people have joined to play, but most of them have quit and I don't judge them haha, Albion is a game that requires an absurd amount of time to get a return and feel like you're making progress, but playing 12 hours a day like me is an exaggeration, but I'm pretty sure the results will show very soon.

I'd like to describe all the things I've been through, even being ganked by more than 7 players and me having a pretty poor gear. This is something that even I do because I'm currently in a guild of pretty cool people and I've had an amazing time, which has made my experience a lot more enjoyable when playing.
I'll probably talk much more in depth about this in an exclusive post about my experience in Albion after playing for a month. For now, just check out this little heart transport that @mrwisu, @perceval, @franzzonline and I did. One of the most known ways to make silver in Albion, and at the same time quite funny XD.
As always, thanks so much for taking the time to watch and thanks so much for commenting. Thanks for reading all this.
▶️ 3Speak
Tuku tuku taso 🎶 I like the song man hahaha. I've never did a heart transportation. I'm a newbie and I can't play like 12 hours a day. I can catch you in a year maybe hahaha.
That's the best dembow ever created man. You should get back to Albion when you have a new internet dude, I'm pretty sure you'll love all the stuff you can do on this game.
I was just asking him if he finds you when he plays, as you both plays this game. But I got the answer from your reply already, lol.
Actually a lot of people in HiveGC play this game, but most of us are Spanish speaking ppl T_T
Yeah I can see that. Spanish peoples likes the game more than other peoples it seems. 😎