Your post hits the spot for me because I've been ranting days ago about how disappointing Minecraft had become. Definitely +1 argument for me to give a good second look to Minetest; I played it, in fact, years ago, but failed to find and plug in the suitable mods, so everything was just stone and water around as I loaded a world.
And, high five, we got both featured in the HiveGC list ✋!
Hello! I am glad you enjoyed the article.
Indeed, the development of Minecraft has taken many twists and turns ever since the days of late beta or early official release. While personally I'm not all too bothered by most of them (not even the combat update!), I am definitely concerned about its future with recent developments like the chat report functionality.
Minetest, being open-source changes a lot along the years. I'm glad you're poked in just the right way to give it another look. :)
And, indeed, we've made it to the curation! Congrats to you :)