My little story | Minecraft

in Hive Gaming14 hours ago (edited)

Hi Colleagues👋🏼, I hope you are well, and healthy (most important). I always talk about Roblox and avakin, but a week and a bit ago I have been escaping into another world, one that most of us know well.

I usually play to relax, to clear my mind, and there is one game that since a young age I have frequented, but sporadically. We all know it, and it is super famous among the most famous, its name is "Minecraft". Playing it has taught me many things, but what I have learned the most, is that Minecraft is not only a game, it is a lifestyle... Today I will talk about this world, and all my progress in it with my partner Yoana. Stay cybernaut, enjoy the stay and this enriching lifestyle full of blocks and lots of adventure, this is: Minecraft.


It happens that when I start playing it, I do it with a blank mind. Minecraft is a sandbox game, that is: "we can do whatever we want without a fixed goal because we are the kings of this world". That's why it's always confusing at the beginning, at least for me, but no matter how confusing it is, the main thing is to survive, so the first step is to make the house.... At the moment I can't show that, because it is not the little house of that time, I have had so much progress that this house no longer exists, now it is a little house, it is a village...


It all started as an idea, with simple 4 walls and a rather mediocre vegetable garden, but as time went by the mind and more ideas became revolutionary, then, that vegetable garden became something incredible, and that simple little house is now something much more decent.

Honestly, I have never made a garden as beautiful as this one, and it is also very lucrative, it gives me a lot of wheat and with it I make a lot of bread. Before my constructions were very simple, they were vague and lacking in ideas and imagination, but I have learned something, I learned that I was limiting my mind and that prevented me from flowing. I know it is not the best sowing, but I am really surprised how much I have evolved.






Our house, or rather, our life in Minecraft lacks nothing, we have everything as far as food is concerned. I have learned to grow everything, and there were things that were a little complicated for my inexperience, as is the case of pumpkin and watermelon, I did not know that they needed space for separation to come out, but with some curiosity and a few guides and videos on the internet, I could understand their functions.

That is the biggest garden of the house, and there is still a little bit to finish it, but I have been a bit lazy, I guess I don't want to see it finished, I feel that the best thing to do is to take it easy. There are many things there, there are sugar canes, wheat, beets, carrots, potatoes, watermelon, pumpkin, berries, and I think nothing else, because according to me, there are no more vegetables to grow, I think, I'm not totally sure...


Building the farm was not easy because of all the monsters, but good thing there is curiosity, and reading a guide I discovered that: placing carved pumpkins and cats helped to scare them away, but I didn't get cats and to this day I still don't get them, but even so, only using pumpkins the monsters don't appear as before.



I called this one the house of magic, because this is where I store and make everything related to wizardry, although it is not complete, more bookcases and other things are missing. I like this house, because it is next to the farm, and if you look closely, in the photo of the farm it is there in a corner haha, it looks hidden, that's why I like it a lot, because it looks like a mysterious house.




I don't want to take all the credit, Yoana also does an excellent job. Sometimes she seems to be lacking in creativity, but when I least expect it, she shines with some construction, for example: the bridge. When we started playing I thought she didn't know about the game, but in fact she has a good knowledge. She has taught me things, things I didn't know existed and she has also reminded me of other things I knew but had forgotten. Without a doubt she is an excellent teammate. Playing with a partner is special, and I think that if I were alone in this world, it would not be the same....

When I play with someone I feel good, it feels comfortable. Unlike avakin, here I don't need to talk so constantly, I just know that the person is there somewhere, but they are there, and I know that if I need them, they will help me. That's why I like to share Minecraft, because even if we are not talking, the simple presence of a person is super important and fills something in me, it's like sharing a world but at the same time being apart, it's very nice.


This game is unique, it's amazing, I've seen games come out all the time, and Minecraft never goes out of style, it's something that transcends time. Tomorrow there could be an amazing game coming out, but I don't think there's one that can match this one, and it has everything, and I don't know if it's missing something... It is strange to say that, because it is very easy to find flaws in a game and it is very easy to want things to exist in it, but Minecraft, Minecraft is one that is hard to demand, because with what it has already provides a lot of happiness and more than enough. At first glance it is a game of pictures, one more game, but when you get into that world you discover that it is too complex, very complex. Even as similar as one cave may seem to the other, it will always be a different cave with a different story and adventure to tell when you get out of it.

I said it at the beginning and I say it again, Minecraft is not just a game, it's a lifestyle....

This has been all cybernaut friends, maybe from now on I will talk a little more about my world here, I hope you liked this story and take care cybernaut, take care and see you soon ❤️.


Siempre me ha encantado minecraft es un juegazo

 1 hour ago  

That vegetable garden is impressive. Small but cute. Why did you put glass in the roof? Just to let the sunlight in? hehe