You're familiar with the term, don't just something by its cover? I need you to hold on to that thought specifically for this post. I got massively confused playing this, it has pretty much the most promiscuous, revealing content yet hidden by a filter.
A protagonist with a very well-endowed body. All is revealed to be some freaky science fiction setting in a facility where robots and cyborgs are created. Yet from a gameplay perspective, it's intriguing, challenging, rewarding players for exploring through dangerous and unknown areas. I've never played anything with this intense platforming, that could easily result in death.
Visually speaking, it even puts a number of games to shame as well without even using UE. Haunting atmosphere, metroidvania level design where I have to memorize the map to get around even. There's very little handholding, with only the intricate paths paved.
Despite the time spent ruminating on why my character looks as she does, I had to move on progressing past the monotonous, blocky Portal 2 inspired training course. Claustrophobic, the areas may be. The instructions given were pretty succinct.
I had to navigate crawl spaces, climb on top of large boxes to get over here and there, shimmy, jump across, grabbing ledges, you played games like these before. But not to the degree where easy hints are present on where I should go. You have to properly look around, sometimes places to grab either seem out of reach but aren't or not visible. I died a lot doing this.
Like, getting to one place, out of the blue the door I've passed through has been locked, so I have to navigate around it to get back as there are things I need before moving on. This is where it slowly creeps up, the darkness, laser locks where climbing is the way to get past.
Then there's problem-solving and figuring out where to go next, as other times I have to backtrack too to get items out of locked up parts of the room. It's a labyrinth, dear god, no map to even help tell me where to go. And then I saw the mutants behind doors. I pressed and heard a gate open before realizing one was in it. I saw it die due to a mine placement. Wait, mines?
Moments like these, tension created and heighten awareness led to continue observing my environment before getting through. Eventually, I get a pistol out of a body that looks similar to mine. With very limited ammo, mind you. Again, exploration is key to finding essentially important things. I entered a pipe area, and there were two creepers, and a crawler coming at me. My mind was so preoccupied, I never took the time to appreciate how the rooms look.
A small asset flip title, that has the cut-out levels from the second game, and reskinned level of the first one. With the mods from then added too. Then again, I never played the other games, and for me, that's fine. I never even realized with a few guns this game has, it works.
Like Resident Evil, it's all about spotting enemies and taking them soon as possible. Ammo conservation also factors in, sadly I can't melee these guys, so shooting is the only way. If you're thinking of shooting them wherever, that will cost you dearly. Headshots take 3–5 shots to kill them. Some are slow, others are stupid fast, or spit bile from distance, or explode on proximity.
What's the entire purpose of me rummaging through the facility? Well, the story is that I'm a cyborg created through human flesh as a sex toy. Yes, the company that makes them has lost control, and now there are all kinds of freaky horrors lurking in the facility.
Or it could be that I'm a particular model for security, since the bodies I found looking like me usually has ammo, guns, and other stuff lying around. Ammo no longer becomes the issue, but the areas separated from my save location can feel grueling. Like, I think I died a lot from the very mechanical platforming, getting ambushed by the freaks, and other placements in the facility.
That training course only prepared me for so little, as I was introduced to multiple open doors and figuring out which ones to take. I needed to find specific items in order to open pathways, and some have locked cases needing keys to open for resources. Like, there's a lot to take on, there are even tasers, pliers that disable mine before I can pick them up and deploy for myself.
Opening crawl spaces with screwdrivers, security doors with cards, finding power fuses, like things like these. It's a lot to go on. As if dealing with these guys wasn't bad enough. They come out of the blue, even from vents like Dead Space. Long as my mouse don't give up, I can prevail.
Inventory spacing is very limited, but there are items that increases ammo capacity. Which is neat. Turns out the security area is mostly crawling with them, but with the option of using mines, I got some sneaky surprises for these guys in case they think they funny.
I have to admit, I like how tight these experiences feel. Yeah, there are parody posters and if you remove the censorship...well, there's your porn. You don't need a beefy system to run this, yet the lighting and GI is pretty good is pretty good. There's so much of the story to pick up on through these notes and diaries scattered across. Even collectibles if you fancy that.
Also, if you've noticed my character looking different, it's because I customized her. Not a fan of the FOV, it blocks certain view and only way to fix is switch shoulder sides. It'll take you 10hr+ to finish.