(Should Have Gotten This Sooner) Helldivers 2

in Hive Gaming2 months ago


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Why of all times did I finally get this game? Oh, I wanted to so badly. Too broke, but maybe it was for the best. After all, a number of things happened. They made it exclusive to a few countries due to Sony's PSN requirements, then backtraced, and finally nerfed the good weapons.

Last part is terrible for any horde objective based PvE game. Why ruined the most fun to use weapons in a game about power fantasy? It was over-relying on player's skill rather than taking chances with skirmishes, and having actual fun. In fact, it felt artificial, just how powerful enemy waves were. So what they did later on was better.

Yes baby, the weapons are more powerful now, enemies crazier and in large waves, the updates keep rolling more content within less than a year, and we finally got the Illuminates invading super earth. I thought I'd live with regret not getting it earlier, now that's no longer the case.

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Becoming part of the elite intergalactic force requires a mandatory tutorial. The best is it lets you know what dying feels like, but also getting around to killing bugs and memorizing the Strategem codes. Takes me back to GTA Vice City code entering days.

Also, I found this neat website to practice that, very useful. So in the foray, getting my first match, and I'm getting absolutely smackered by the grueling sounds of turret fires, bombings, evil robots rampaging towards me, and worse, I wasn't helping my team much at all. Objectives? Location marks? Reinforce/resurrect teammates? Wait, Strategems are limited use?

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The brutality of war is that it never ends. But you get to take fun in the insanity too, so my whole loss of humanity is a big trade-off for my love of gun blazing fun. I get to blow s**t up real good. There's plenty to shoot, like enemy shuttle crafts bringing waves and waves continuously for me to kill.

Though, we don't always get to win, unless the right weapons are around. Yes, the grind starts from here. My more experienced teammates can drop either their weapons or special packs like a guard dog rover that fends off waves while I walk the other direction. Anti-tank weapons can be found around the map to use against light and heavy tank units.

Of course, I didn't just fight Automatons. I had my skirmishes against the Terminids too. The maps taking place in that game look exquisive. The decaying yet weird vegetation that forms around, smoke and fog, acid spewing, there are trap plants that explode if in contact. I need to survive to not lose my special gears I got from drop-ships, and the samples I collected. Death is consequential as much as using Strategims due to their cooldowns. Except if my guy reinforce close by.


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The drive to get access to better weapons, deployments, and gear means I have to farm. The system around that is interesting, as well as the reward system for each mission. You have your primary objectives, but exploring the map does a lot, as there are plenty to do.

Including the sample collecting I've mentioned earlier, taking out nests and bases, fixing broadcast, updating map info for area of interests, etc. Time is limited, so do what you have to. Sadly, not everything works out if your teammates are screwing around. One time we were close to Outstanding Patriotism rating, till one jackass called for extraction too soon.


Many factors change the battle, there are conditions like increased enemy waves, frozen areas, ion storms, meteor showers, and such drastically effect the mission map. Though, my chances of dying from these things are slimmer than friendlies stupid turrents killing me off. Man, Terminids are fun to kill, but that's till the tank types march around.

I have to flank and shoot their exposed flesh site. But in large waves, well, nothing but good old fashion weapons selection, air ordinance, and turrets can't handle. I tried farming for various weapons, including an autocannon that can take out light tank units from the distance.


Funny enough, this was mostly good against Automatons. Ammo might be short, but a pack to carry enough munition killing armies of these guys. You have no idea how much of a headache they can really be. One time during extraction, everybody in our team except me was wiped out.

I was surrounded, I had these chainsaw jacked up maniacs chasing me. No anti-tank or explosives left, bullets had no effect, and the shuttle came right before I dived into the bay, and got out. That was some serious PTSD stuff right there. This also happened in the jungle.

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Warfare is addictive, like getting the taste of power, you'd want more. Hell, picking missions at harder difficulty means the enemy types are more unique, as well as harder to kill and in sheer crazy numbers. Did I forget to mention you have to do puzzles?

Yeah, so the objectives are never easy to do. Requiring problem-solving skills, and they scale with the difficulty. My first time with the Illuminates and I had not a freaking clue what closing the hivemind meant. Everything I learned were from the older players doing it. That was how it worked. Also, this one is a real visual schizo fest, even for my GPU.

Needs powerful build to show a lot. Here's hoping I get that upgrade. But also to be truly free, I have to keep going, I made it to Sergeant so far. Got my own guard drone, and that autocannon. Next stop is a car, that giant mech unit, and holy mother of air bombs to drop. All for MANAGED DEMOCRACY!




Glad you are finally able to play! A lot has happened in the games campaign but there is always room for newly enlisted players. Good luck with your progress towards better gear, resources are easy to acquire but difficult to hold onto once the swarms start becoming more than the players can handle.

I need to get this game too!!!

 2 months ago  

The graphics are so impressive. It sounds hard to master. Love the utter chaos though. Literal hell!

Wellcome to the front Helldiver!

I was intrigued with this game when i saw the shooting part but i find it hard to get puzzles right maybe because am not so good at it