A remake for Castlevania running on the Commodore Amiga computer line receives a new update. For those that are not aware, this is a re-imagining of Konami’s original release from 1986 pulling together pieces from official releases of Castlevania. What is interesting here is just how impressive this port is.
The Devil is in the Details
That old saying is so true with this fan port. Sprites and tiles were pulled from the Sharp X68000 and Sony PlayStation Castlevania Chronicles releases. The developer behind this port, Dante Retro Dev on itch.io , states that no levels were pulled from those versions though.
The backgrounds are simply wonderfully detailed. Simon passes behind some objects (pillars, stairs, etc) and in front of others. A nice touch adding a bit of depth to the graphics.
Enemies don’t just flicker and disappear from the screen. No, in Castlevania AGA they explode in fiery, painful looking, animations.
A New Adventure in the Vintage Style
As mentioned already, none of the levels are pulled from any previous Castlevania adventure. This is a re-imagining featuring new layouts and challenges. Enemies are not where you remember them, special points may have moved, and more.
Worthy of a playthrough for hardcore Castlevania fans if for nothing else than to experience this adventure.
You will need a Commodore Amiga 1200 or Amiga 4000 for this port. Nothing too complicated considering how easy emulators are to set up now. If you want to experience Castlevania AGA on real hardware it may be a slightly more complicated challenge.
You can check out eBay for a deal on a 1200 model (affiliate link) but be prepared, they are not cheap. The few 4000 models available are even more costly.
Head over to itch.io for Castlevania AGA and give it a run through. Me, I am more of a Castlevania II fan – the others are just so hard and I could never get into them. How about you, which Castlevania game is your favorite?
All GIFs sourced from developer's itch.io page.