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RE: Sonic the Hedgehog, He has been a gaming icon for generations

in Hive Gaminglast year

I was always more a fan of Mario than I was Sonic, well after the first game. I enjoyed the original Sonic the Hedgehog but the franchise fell off the deep end for me after the original. I just could not get into an adventure that was flying by like Sonic 2 and 3 does - constantly hitting road blocks that stopped me in my tracks, only to have to figure out how I could get back up to speed somehow. Just wasn't my cup of tea so to speak.

@nerdygeekyfreak what do you think of Sonic?


That's true, after the first one they made it very complicated and there were times when the player was discouraged to continue. Mario was more friendly and relaxing.

Exactly! They had an amazing formula, a character that could do more than just 2D side scrolling games, support group full of characters with charm and character and all they really did with it was more 2D side scrolling games and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (which I preferred immensley over Kirby's Avalanche because of the characters).

Sadly we had to wait till the Saturn to get a game outside 2D side scrolling that still used Sonic's abilities. Sure, Sonic Spinball was a cute pinball game but it was quite simple and still had to have 2D side scrolling action elements. Plus, when you see the bonus levels and there is a reflection of Sonic in the windows, it makes less sense - Sonic is playing himself in a pinball game? In the evil world that Robotnik has made they still have recreation areas?

Sonic R was neat but again, Sega felt they had to include action segments instead of focusing on Sonic's speed.

Sonic 1 was the perfect showcase for Sonic's abilities, the first time you hit a loop was life changing for gamers. Sadly, Sega went downhill with Sonic after that as they tried to turn Sonic into Mario but with short speedy areas.

Sonic is a great example of not knowing how to handle the fame when a hit comes along.

Both franchises have a special place in my heart and memories. However, Sonic is special to me. Yes, the games could be challenging, but I enjoyed them. Given the chance, I'd choose a Sonic game over Mario, sorry not sorry! Ha