[Let's Play] Yakuza Like a Dragon { Ep. 14 }

in Hive Gaming2 years ago



Welcome gamers! 👋 We continue our search for informations about Liumang Mafia and their boss Mabuchi. We know a guy that knows something and possibly will talk. Hes inside the chinese hostess club. We tried to get inside but they won't let Japanese people get in. Luckily we have Saeko with us, she worked a lot as a hostess and because the club is looking for girls she went for a job interview. If she gets the job, we will be able to come in as her referral. In meantime Adachi came up with an idea - We should upgrade our gear and he knows a good engineer to do it. We went there and the engineer turned out to be a really cute girl with a passion for her job. She told us some sad story about her business falling apart. Basically most people when their stuff is broken, they rather to buy a new one than fix it. This way she was losing customers for years. We told her that we need her and that we will come here often and we cheer her up a bit. She upgraded our Bat for free. It turned out that the bat we were using was from a limited edition and she was so excited to fix it for us. Now our bat is stronger, and it looks like a brand new. Finally after upgrading our bat we got a call from Saeko. She passed the job interview and now we can enter the hostess club. We got inside and we found the guy who was our hope. We had to threaten him a bit and he finally started talking, although he didnt know a lot about Mabuchi and Liumang mafia, he still had some important informations for us. He told us about one of Mabuchi business'es called Yokohama Trading Company. We decided that we will try to get hired there as a part-time workers and maybe this way we will be able to find more informations about Mabuchi. (Maybe he will even come here, at the end its his business and I guess from time to time he needs to check how its doing). After that we went to our home and we took Saeko with us. Its safer for her and us to be together and additionaly our room is kinda messy so a woman can take care of that. We got some drinks and had fun. In the next episode we gonna go to Hello Work to try get hired in Yokohama Trading Company and catch Mabuchi this way.

I hope you enjoy this let's play series and please let me know your thoughts in comments!

➡️ List of my previous episodes from Yakuza Like a Dragon

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