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RE: Jedi Fallen Order ended and it is undoubtedly one of the best AAA Adventures of all time. (ENG/ESP)

in Hive Gaming9 months ago (edited)

I really think that the story is one of the strongest points of the game. If you are not a fan of Star Wars, it may be easy to dilute it, but if you are a fan of the saga, I think it is a story that contributes a lot to the other stories of Order 66, if for example you are watching the Bad Batch right now and its previous temp you will see how they connect. If you recently watched Filoni's animated clone war, it is better because it is practically after order 66 was activated, complementing all the other stories derived from there, such as what happens with Ahsoka, Ezra, Rex, etc. I see it this way because I am a SW geek, if you are not I think it is difficult to feel the importance of the story that the game has. I'm very eager to play 2 despite its bad reviews, I think this game left the bar very high. Thanks for comment!