THE FINALS pays for your hours of fun

in Hive Gaming23 hours ago


Good morning to all Gamers! I hope you are doing well. I have had a few very busy weeks so I have tried to play as much as I can in my free time. Unfortunately, I have not been able to play anything with a campaign, so I have played The Finals these last few days trying to salvage what I can from the final days of the season.


That's right, there are only 26 days left until the end of season number 4 barely in The Finals and well I have many expectations with what new things the developers are going to do. Firstly, with the game modes and the battle pass, which I will surely buy for the sixth or seventh since I hope to get it just by playing and not putting a single cent of $$ into the game, unless it is something incredibly essential, which I don't think so, but we'll see.


Lately I've been playing pure Power Shift and as the title of the article says, what I like most about The Finals are the hours of fun it puts in front of you with a realistic/arcade feel and a very Team Fortress 2-like spirit. This game has a very special combination of its elements and dynamics that make you can spend 3 to 4 hours playing without realizing it. And I think this is what makes good titles without a campaign, right? How to get hooked even though there is no story or linear reason in the story. I actually think that The Finals is an underrated shooter that has a lot of things to offer, even if you play with a mouse and keyboard or a controller.


The Power Shift game mode is extremely entertaining, I suppose you remember the classic "push the load" well power shift is something similar but with the modernity and speed that only The Finals can offer. If you ever played this game mode in another shooter, I played it especially in Team Fortress 2 and then in Paladins which is "meh" anything, Team Fortress 2 is a brutal classic, Paladims is nothing innovative and The Finals is the classic feeling but with the weapons and skill demands of the modern first-person shooter. Including the strategy of protection and annihilation against rivals. It is really BRUTAL, in fact, of the quick game modes, I think Power Shift is without a doubt the best. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!


Well Gamers! It has been a pleasure to write here again, I hope to be much more active this week, if you want to play The Finals do not hesitate to add me on steam greetings.