Exode Legendary Cards

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


Today I wanted to take a step back from my "How to Exode" and write something different. As such, if you are unfamiliar with Exode this will be a lot of gibberish with some cool art mixed in.

To learn more about the game itself I recommend reading How to Exode: Evacuation as a start and then using my referral code to sign up. If you buy a starter deck with it you get two free (account bound) Alpha boosters. These packs are now only available on the open market (though there will also be a WAX sale in the future).

Today I read an article by @ange.nkuru in which he shared how he decided to go all in on Exode. In the article he shares his more notable draws and asks for people's opinion on which is the best legendary card. Though the best one is pretty obvious in my opinion, I wanted to give them all some love and discuss them here.


Alanna Vos, Federal Marshal

This officer is definitely a solid asset to Military and Civilian decks. At Quality Level (QL) 10 she will have really good stats. Awareness, Station, Toughness, Shooting and Cover will all help a lot with Evacuation. She comes equipped with both a weapon and armor so you don't need to worry about giving her gear.

She has several traits which limit which decks she can be fully utilized in though, Morale Values, Pro Federation, and Drug Free. Depending on the rest of the crew she could be the source of some drama.

She's certainly worth using, but you need to make sure she aligns with your goals for the particular crew.


Arena Powersuit

This is a very useful suit of armor. Not only does it grant a lot of toughness, but it also grants cover and speed. Anyone who wears this suit will find themselves much more useful in Evacuation. It also has the ability to revive the wearer which is practically a miracle.

That being said a single suit only does so much. Yes, it will keep one person very safe, but if anything happens to that person you most likely lose the suit as well. Just imagine if you accidentally gave the suit to someone with a secret agenda!

I'll take the risk and give it to someone I really want to keep alive, provided they don't have a secret agenda, and I'd love to have enough for my full crew, but overall its just limited use.


Captain Cranium

Cranium is a very interesting person who I'm not sure how I feel about yet. He changes your origin faction to only criminal and I'm not entirely sure how this impacts deck construction at this time.

He's QL10 so he'll have great stats and he's a combat monster. He gives criminal faction cards a boost and comes fully equipped. He also has some questionable traits like Violence (good for fighting, not so good for people skills), Low Morality (so he may make some questionable decisions), and a secret agenda (so he will cause trouble).

Until we know exactly how he impacts deck construction, I can't really decide how I feel about him. Running a criminal deck he is certainly a useful officer but you really need to plan around his use.


The Columbus

This ship is a must have for achievement hunters as it has its own branch of rewards. It is an amazing civilian ship with 6 crew and 17 passengers. Cargo is a little limited, only 6 (giving 12 slots), but being a colony ship means it is better able to help a large team survive.

This is by far the best choice when running a passenger focused colony with a civilian origin. I'd chose a different ship if I was going to focus on cargo, but for any other civilian deck I built this is probably my first choice.

That being said, evac is going to be brutal. Unless you load it up with passengers to start, you are going to have a hard battle filling it up. There's also a good chance you'll end up planet hopping in the future since its easy to detect.

Its a great card, but I feel it appeals to a specific play style.



Formerly "Mysterious Boss", Crypto-Eater is pretty much a teaser for the future of the Corporate faction. QL10 means he will have good stats, but he's a passenger so you won't be able to use him until you have reached your colony.

He's quite useful from a colony perspective, but his secret agenda and guards make him a wildcard. I would include him in a civilian deck and might include him in a "Baldie" deck (a tiny shuttle) since he provides extra manpower at the colony, but I'd be very hesitant to include him in other builds.

... Though he might be a good syndicate drug runner ...


The Kumicho

The Kumicho is available through the Syndicate Contracts. As such she is the most common of the legendary cards and will continue to be minted forever (unless the drop table changes).

She is a passenger and is more or less mandatory for any Syndicate deck. She gives good bonuses, has good skills, and comes equipped with "Kumicho Implants". No idea what these implants are, but her picture sure looks scary so I assume they are combat related!

She does have a secret agenda, but if you are playing a syndicate deck its unlikely to stab you in the back.


Quantum Class Supreme

Honestly, I find the second legendary ship kind of disappointing. This is largely because it doesn't mesh with my ideas for colony life. Its main strength is its speed and weapons, making it an ideal pirate ship. I can picture the Quantum zooming through the galaxy harvesting what it can from planets as it remains a single step ahead of the aliens.

I can also imagine it engaging in guerrilla warfare and emergency support for other planets. I can't really picture playing that style of game though. (but if you can please use my referral code so we can start closer together and I can count on your support!)


Rebel General

If I remember correctly Rebel General was one of my first legendary cards. As such it will always hold a special place in my heart. Unfortunately he's hard to use. It took me a long time to get "The Rebellion Secrets" so I could actually include Rebel's in my deck. That is his biggest flaw, he's hard to use.

He has great skills, generates his own quest line, and can discover secret agendas. Unfortunately he has an agenda of his own and he's anti-federation so he won't play nicely with a lot of cards. This means he is a very situational card to use.


Repentant Pirate

This is a really popular card and probably my favorite of the legendary cards. Its a criminal origin, and suffers from several of the same flaws as Captain Cranium (violence, Low morality) but at the same time he has a loyal crew. He also has four officers while all other origins only have three.

While he has his tendencies, he doesn't railroad you into a specific strategy and you don't need to worry about any unexpected surprises (from him). He is my first choice for almost any Syndicate deck and can work well with the smaller ships thanks to his fourth officer.



This is another fairly limited legendary. He's a hacker with locked actions so he's very limited in what he can do. Its great having someone who can design new software, and he's a passenger so you can include him in your deck without hindering your evacuation, but depending on your circumstances he may be more of a liability than an asset. Ultimately we will need to wait and see what colonial life is like!



This is a space tank. That by itself makes it awesome. It has a good crew, cargo, weapons and armor. Its fairly energy intensive, but that's understandable because its a FRICKING TANK!

It also has the trait of being "droppable". To me this seems completely out of place. Dropping a card planet-side means permanently burning the card. You must REALLY value your colony to burn an out of print legendary to keep it safe.

That being said, I am terrified of accidentally burning mine. I would be much happier if it wasn't droppable!


Velvet Storm

This is a space race car. Not quite as awesome as a tank, but still a fun concept. It will make traveling across your planet very easy since it has orbital capacity. Its crazy fast and fairly strong. It devours energy.

With limited cargo capacity in most ships it doesn't make the cut for me. I'd consider including it if I was running a cargo ship, but it's not something I'd consider a must have in that scenario. If I was building a military support deck and planned to planet hop (in my Quantum perhaps) I'd be much more likely to include it, but that's not my play style. Ultimately I am unlikely to give it much use.


Mysterious Cards

There are still two unrevealed legendary cards. We will find out what the AI and Robot actually are once colonization is released.

I look forward to seeing them, I have no doubt they will be unique and powerful, but their utility remains to be seen.

Please share your thoughts on the various legendary cards in the comments! I'd love to hear about your favorites and why.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you haven't already signed up please use my referral code so we can both benefit!


Nice review. My personal opinion regarding secret agenda is that if the faction likes you, they are unlikely to stab you in the back, but we don't know much yet about how these agenda will work, so I may be wrong.

About the Arena Powersuit, it's really great, but it has the drawback of needing Toughness 70+ to be used. Not everyone can use it ^^

Good point. I don't think that check is actually implemented yet so I forgot about it.

So thanks for the lore, usecases, advantages and disadvantages of each legendary. As a total newb the info is priceless and I'll plan accordingly.

Just imagine if you accidentally gave the suit to someone with a secret agenda!

I've been seeing similar comments and they confuse me a bit. When you lose an item/character is it like a forever thing, a seasonal one, or?

This is not implemented yet, but once beta arrives cards in your collection will be locked to specific games. Once that colony is abandoned / fails you will then regain access to your cards which were used.

Inside that game, each card will generate a game asset. This game asset can be sold/traded in the game market or destroyed. To my understanding this game asset is not an NFT and is unusable outside of exode. (with the exception of Exofuel which is a currency token)

There are only two ways to permanently lose cards

  1. Choose to burn a copy to upgrade another copy of the card
  2. Burn a card with the "droppable" keyword to instantly send it to a colony you currently are playing.

Hope that helps. Its not one of my better explanations!

It's a pretty good explanation. I got the gist of it. 👌🏾

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