Path To Top 500 + First Time Streaming!

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

I just streamed successfully for the first time ever! The whole ordeal was a huge headache because I'm using outdated hardware BUT I finally got it up and running for some Dead By Daylight cross-play with friends. It's a big deal.


Anywho, I'm typing this post to talk about Skyweaver again. Since my last post on the topic, I've played much more of the game and I find a deeper respect for its mechanics the further I dive into it. I reached the Top 500 of Discovery mode in the first week or so and even made it into the Master ranks.

Since then I've dedicated most of my remaining time to the Constructed mode which is all about deck-building. Luckily I have a couple of friends who are extremely impressed with the game and were both long-time MTG players (Magic: The Gathering), so I've been able to refine my strategies pretty quickly. I'll get into that side of things some other time but today's post is about how I made it into the top 500 of Skyweaver's Discovery mode.

My last post discussed some thoughts about monotype heroes performing more consistently due to the restraint of 100 available cards per prism. After some pretty extensive testing I can confirm this to be true- the two heroes that stood out to me the most were Ada and Bouran. In regards to Ada, her play style is simple and straightforward enough requiring very little long-term strategy. However, in the case of Bouran, I think the results require a more thorough explanation.


The units under Bouran's command have 3 main traits: 'Guard', 'Lifesteal' and 'Wither' while their main trigger effects are usually 'Death'. He also utilizes many cards which interact with the graveyard by either drawing, dusting or summoning from it; I think that his graveyard plays make him the most consistent hero of the 15 currently playable heroes. Whereas other characters' draw effects require specific cards to combo and the cards drawn are not guaranteed to synergize with much of your random deck, Heart's drawing capabilities are impeccable and the 'Death' effects tend to be powerful because they activate twice. Cards like Wall of Dead appear multiple times and provide burn damage, which is important when you need to end the game quickly... this more aggressive gameplan flows nicely into cards like Grave Roil and Gravekin which double/triple the burn.


On the other hand, the Heart prism gives you cards like Mortal Blow and Dead Weight which allow you to leverage the graveyard to further control the pace of the match, instantly decimating larger threats that might prevent you from rotating into clear late game win con cards like the Broodwitch [TOTALLY NASTY CARD BTW I love it].

I ended my Discovery run to Masters with a 53% win rate so it didn't happen without some bumps and bruises along the way but Bouran is definitely the hero that hooked me and brought me the furthest. I suggest you give him a shot in your Discovery matches. Until next time!


Keep up