Play2Earn Gaming in 2024 - A Primer for Collectors and Investors

in Hive Gaming10 months ago

Play2Earn gaming, also known as ‘crypto-gaming’, has received a fair bit of publicity lately. Many in crypto have dubbed 2023 the ‘Year of Play2Earn’ in the same way 2021 was the ‘Year of the NFT’. This attention to the scene helped many games complete their development and release cycle. At the same time many promising games of yester-year have fallen off, ceased development, or otherwise crashed.

You may remember me as M3ss, leader of the CryptoGaming Guild, and author of CryptoGames: A Primer for Collectors and Investors. Since then I have sold that account (@m3ss) and moved on to new projects but never stopped keeping up with my favorite Play2Earn games. There is just too much money being made for me to step away or lose interest.


For my first post back on PeakD, I thought I'd replicate one of my most successful articles. The information I've collected over the years of following various projects has been very useful finding the diamonds in the rough, which games are simply not worth the hassle, and which great old games have changed (for better or for worse) over time). Our last article had a focus on what great games also paid, now I'm focusing on what projects pay the most reliably.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the links in the article are referral links, they are safe and all of these games have been tested for multiple years to avoid scams, rug-pulls, and recognize false promises. I believe 100% transparency so I will always let you know when something in Referrals from articles help me more than I can describe and, if you’d like to try any of these projects, doing so from my links would be much appreciated.

With that in mind, let’s get started.



RollerCoin is an online, virtual bitcoin mining game where you compete against your friends to mine bitcoins. It takes the concept of bitcoin mining, but instead of the sophisticated Blockchain and processing algorithms, RollerCoin lets you test your skills, complete missions, undertake tasks, and play games to build your mining empire.

Personal Experience:
I did not want or expect to like RollerCoin. I encountered it about three years ago when I was looking for as many Play2Earn projects as I could to involve myself in all of them to better understand the industry. In the years since it has become my single highest earner and left me shocked but playing daily.

At this point I earn about $5 a day in my choice of BTC / ETH / DOGE / MATIC or a variety of other coins. This is added to my account every 10 minutes and withdraws take 2-3 days most often but 2-3 weeks occasionally.

Nearly all mention of RollerCoin online calls it a bullshit scam because folks do not understand it is a mining simulator and if you do not buy miners you will have no success. Also, nearly everyone first hears about RollerCoin from some jackass shilling their ref-link in a super low effort way. It's a major problem and, in my opinion, was a poor decision by the developers. That said ... $5 a day.

**Getting Started: **
I'm going to repeat what I said before as it's brought me a ton of success and my strategy has not changed.

OK, guys, this is very important: RollerCoin is a mining simulation. You really need miners to make this a worthwhile experience. I think the best way to get involved in this one is with a $30+ investment so you can get started. it is possible to unlock miners as a fully Free2Play player by completing Seasonal Quests.

I'd honestly up that investment to $100 if you can and want to see success on the shorter term but budget is up to you.

Pros: Play 1 mini-game a day to earn crypto every 10 minutes. Anyone with any understanding of how time works and truly believes in crypto will understand this is a life changing opportunity. Now you can (and will) earn parts and miners just by playing. This one just keeps getting better as development moves forward.

Cons: Terrible community. The game has started shilling a "Task Wall" that's bullshit and you shouldn't touch. Requires investment.



Mistplay is the #1 Loyalty Program for Android mobile gamers. Available for download through the Google Play Store, Mistplay enables gamers around the world to earn rewards while playing and discovering their favorite games! When you download and play a game through Mistplay, you will earn rewards that can be exchanged for digital items such as avatars, event participation, and units that can be redeemed for gift cards.

Personal Experience:
You aren't going to find Mistplay in any articles about Play2Earn because it has no focus on crypto. What we are hunting here is gift cards which is new for me. That said, I'm working on my second $100 amazon gift card in 2 months (proof in picture) and enjoy the gameplay here more than anywhere else so I felt I need to bring this to your attention.

Getting Started:
When using Mistplay you earn credits for downloading and playing mobile games. General strategy is to play whatever is being promoted at the moment, earn 3-4 levels in 10-15 minutes, and move on to the next game. You can stick with the few games you honestly enjoy to get more credits but those first 3-4 levels are crazy easy and will be where you earn the most.

Pros: Game variety. As you'll be playing many games for shorter time periods and all these games are on the play store there is a lot of fun to be had here. I honestly think someone could feed themselves long term on just Mistplay alone if they were willing to eat only ramen.

Cons: Crypto > Gift cards. Also, you'll want to save up for those $100 gift cards to get the most bang for your buck here.

image.png is one of the oldest and best bitcoin faucets on the internet. Every hour, we give away up to $200 in free bitcoin through our bitcoin faucet. No frills, no hidden agenda – just a way to get you started with the incredible worldwide phenomena known as bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

Personal Experience: Me and go wayyyyy back to neatly 2015. Back in those days faucets were still a thing for major coins and you could literally stack coin by just visiting faucets as often as they would allow and take their 'donations'. If you created a little list and excel file you could make this a quick chore that paid well. I learn this trick working at an early cryptoexchange. is last website from this era standing and the last actual Bitcoin faucet I know of. They have kept themselves going by introducing a variety of betting / gambling features that you are not going to want to use IMHO.

Getting Started: What you are mostly targeting here is the Premium Program. This program offers you 25% interest on the token offers, you have likely heard of FUN if you've been around the scene for a while. The more coins you hold the more benefits you earn including daily Wheel of Fortune spins that add up and you can trigger when you have time.

Between the faucet, staking rewards, Wheel of Fortune spins, and betting (if interested) there is a ton of Satoshis being thrown around here and I'm approaching a decade of scooping them up.

Pros: It's free bitcoin. That is fucking amazing.

Cons: It's honestly like they are trying to make this website look like a scam at this point, lol.

You're going to want to use all the tools here to see the most return. Play like a (literal) whale and remember no single krill is going to feel all that good but thousands on top of each other will keep even the biggest animal in the world fed. I'd recommend avoiding the betting / gambling completely for most people without serious experiance in these subjects.



Join the brand new NFT metaverse that is mapped to the real world and quickly becoming the largest and most dynamic blockchain-based economy in existence. Buy, sell and trade virtual properties mapped to real addresses. Build your dream house, start a virtual business and earn UPX coins or U.S. dollars by selling your NFT properties in a free and open marketplace. Make friends in Upland, make friends for life.

Personal Experience: There were many 'NFT real estate' games and, god help me, I tried nearly all of them. This is the one I still play mostly due to the professional connections it has with major international sports teams and major players in the crypto space. I've heard some behind the scenes whispers about major projects coming to UpLand and, I'm really happy to be along for the ride.

I get weekly offers for hundreds of dollars for my single Manhattan property but I'm holding up for thousands, especially while I can collect daily rent off it.

Getting Started: When I got started on UpLand you could buy properties with Paypal and that is a powerful on-ramp for any crypto project to have. I dropped about $100 on this one right away and never looked back. All the UPX I made from my property rent goes right back into new property investments. My goal is to buy 3 properties in any newly opened region so I can complete a collection and increase my overall multiplier.

Pros: Great design, a high level of polish, friends in all the right places, cool mini-games, and a very bright future.

Cons: Real estate games are basely games and I feel like, for a lot of people, pressing a single button every few days to earn rent is not going to be compelling with even major updates.

Note: I am newly back to this community. If this posts breaks any rules or is in need of edits to fit in the community please let me know and it will be done. My motivation here is to be a good neighbor. Thank you for reading.