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RE: CautionFun's Top 21: The Most Impactful Cards in 'Trial of the Gods'

in Hive Gaming5 years ago

Hi Cautionfun! Very good list which I agree on most part. There are some changes I would personally make.
First of all I would change Ludia's Deception for Stolen plans.
Ludia's Deception is such a good card against control where you can disrupt their plan at 7 and 9 mana. Besides that, seeing their entire hand is very strong as well and gives you enough information whether you should use your Cutthroat Insight that turn too. If you do so, you can steal their best card and remove their 2nd best card at that turn. So generally great cards against Echophon, Demogorgon, Apocalypse now etc. But even removing cards such as Dust to Dust and Ataraxia could win you the game if you play a more aggressive Deception deck.
But it also has its place against aggro decks. Against Relic Zoo War you can remove cards such as Out of its Misery and Pyramid Warden when you're going first. But even when you go 2nd you can remove the creature they get from Ooim.

The other cards that could be better if we have a certain meta is Militant Gladiator instead of Satyr Outcast. Militant Gladiator is very strong in the mirror match and Death Control doesn't have any answers at that stage of the game. Although Satyr Outcast's ability is great, I'm not certain if Control Decks will include it since it has a weak body and Control Decks don't have that many follow up to trade efficiently in the enemy minions.

The last card I really like which you didn't include is Lysander, Champion of Light. Light has arguably the best early game and I think Lysander can serve a similar role that Asterius and Astraea's Envoy currently fulfil, which is buffing your current, generally weaker, creatures. And once again it's a card that Control Death just doesn't have an answer for until 7 mana. Demogorgon even buffs Lysander since it's heals at the start of the turn because of the damage. Although I find it very difficult to name the card I would change it for in your top 3 Light card since they are extremely good as well.

Other than that you did put together a great list and I appreciate the effort.


Hey man! Thanks for the excellent feedback.

Ludia's Deception is probably better than Stolen Plans. I admit, I got a little lazy during the Deception bit.. Deception is not very conducive to my playstyle, so it's definitely hardest for me to imagine the best application of Deception's resources. That being said, considering your feedback, I'm inclined to agree with you there.

Militant Gladiator definitely got some consideration from me. Honestly, I kinda view it as an honorary Forage Nature card, seeing as Forage can almost guarantee it comes down as a 5 mana 7/7. I'll be interested to see if it finds its way into any other archetypes.

As for Lysander, and Light overall, I agree wholeheartedly. If I had chosen a 4th card for Light, it definitely would have been Lysander. It'll be a great option for nearly any Light deck in the 6 mana slot. Wonderful Canonize target, Olympian tag, all of the synergies you mentioned.. Light is gonna be scary lol