I was contemplating getting this game the other day but after watching a few videos it appeared to me as though there is a TON of written dialogue and menus that will require a bunch of reading. I don't have a problem with reading stuff but because my mid-range vision is pretty terrible it seemed like I was going to be standing up from the sofa very frequently for almost everything this game has to offer. I decided to give it a miss because of this.
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I don't feel in the general game there is a lot of written dialogue outside of help pin tips, crafting, and expeditions. Sure you might run into some text needed solve a puzzle from time to time. You could also just not do that kind of activities.
More times then not when interacting with an alien you don't know enough of their words to fully understand what they are saying anyways. As one activity in the game is going around learning different words for each language.
A lot of the time I just skip over any text. If I’ve already done a certain activity a few times over. I already have a general idea of what is needed anyways.
What would be an issue is crafting and stuff like that since the text can be a bit small in that aspect of the game.
You might have some issues in something like the expedition I'm doing since you need to read the milestones to know what to do. Expeditions are also limited time events that are played on a separate save. So they are rather optional.