Tinykin completed: My overall analysis

in Hive Gaming2 days ago

Just as I stated in the original early write up about this game, it is an extremely easy game that will pose very little difficulty to anyone who isn't a baby. People that enjoy really difficult games might get quickly annoyed with how simple this game is but I kind of like this sort of experience every now and then. I don't always want to have to be on top of my game with precision button presses in order to progress. This game is about exploration in a human world as a very small individual and for me, this just kind of works.


I think that perhaps this game was inspired to some degree by Toy Story but you are even smaller than those cartoon characters would be. You are shorter than a book and wander around the house world interacting with bugs and other such small creatures. The Tinykin creatures that you pick up along the way assist you with reaching areas that you wouldn't be able to reach without them and you have to use them to transport certain items to certain places on each level. It's simplistic fun.


In the kitchen level there is a completely optional objective of transporting an ear of corn to the microwave in order to make someone some popcorn. This takes a lot of Tinykins to accomplish and it is super cute the noises they make as they are moving along with their tiny military shouts. None of these puzzles, if you can even really call them that, are difficult to figure out. A few of them are quite time consuming and I guess this depends on the individual as to whether or not you find this fun or tedious. I do know that once you clear the path the Tinykin know exactly where to go even if you don't so they made it easy in that regard as well.

I think if I was going to talk about anything that I would consider a "con" about this game it would be that some of the optional stuff you can do involves some excessively long platforming where a small mistake, some of which are tough to avoid because of the camera angles, results in you needing to start over from the start.


Often this will happen on the leaves of plants and unless you are really careful with how you swerve the camera angle, it can be really difficult to see where you are going to land. None of this is difficult per se, but the amount of time that it takes to complete it isn't really justified by the reward which is normally just some sort of trinket that goes into your stash but in no way benefits your progression in the game. I think that these things were just thrown in there in order to give the completionists or 100%-ers out there something to consider endgame material. I know that I didn't bother with most of them and a lot of the I completed by accident.


Another aspect that could be considered a bit of a "con" would be that it is often very unclear what the hell you are supposed to do next. There are a ton of NPC's but very few of them actually say anything particularly useful. This is just me being me but since the early days of "I am Error" dialogue I have a aversion to pointless dialogue with NPC's in any game. I would prefer that you not even be able to talk to any creature that isn't directly related to your progress.

In the end this game was a lot of relaxing fun for me and I am very glad that I played it. I didn't 100% it because the things that I was yet to do by the time that I finished the main story were just hidden things that you would need to search every single nook and cranny of each map in order to find or you would have to cheat and look the answer up on YouTube and honestly, that isn't much fun to me.

So I would recommend that anyone with a PS-Plus membership at least have a try at this. To me it brought me back to simpler times as far as 3D gaming is concerned such as what they were throwing at us left and right back on the PS1. This just has much better graphics.

Before I go there is one thing that I really enjoyed about this game and that was that there are almost no long loading times despite the fact that each of the levels are actually quite large. When you do "die" you respawn almost immediately as well. This is a big plus to me because many of the other games I play have what I consider to be extremely excessive load times and I wonder why it is that some games have to do that and others like this one do not.
