Sneaky Sneaky, 6 kills in Hunt Showdown :D

in Hive Gaming7 months ago

Hunt: Showdown or Hunt: Showdown 1896

Got a massive update 1 week ago and my friends and I have been back into playing it. Its been a while, they had a lot of problems with Cheaters if you ask me, so I gave up on the game for 3-4 months or so.

Now with their update, new map, new compounds, A new wild roaming boss & Hunt now runs on Crytex's new Engine, so it runs so much smoothier.
There still is a few bugs, but that whats happens.

My mate & I was just fucking a round with a crossbow build, to have fun and to see how well it works in Hunt 1896 and I got 6 kills. So apparently pretty good! :P

I have exported the video in 1080p HD - But it might still look "low" Quality. Thats because I have a lot of the settings on Low/Medium when I play, so I get the biggest Preformance/FPS boost I can :D

My computer can run Hunt in high graphics, but I choose not to do so. I want the boost in preformance to I can win easiler :P
I don't play for fun! xD
Written by @cwow2