Destiny 2: How to prepare for the upcoming season 15

in Hive Gaming3 years ago (edited)



At the beginning of each Season, the goal is to reach rank 100 as soon as possible, right? There is a way to hit over a dozen ranks in the first five minutes of play. Be sure to read the whole guide before doing anything...


First thing you're gonna wanna do is collect bounties. You want to complete bounties now, before the next season starts, but not turn them in yet. They should roll over. You can only hold a maximum of 63 Quests & Bounties, so complete as many quests as you can so that you have more room for Bounties.

  1. Weekly Bounties: 12,000 XP
  2. Daily Bounties: 6,000 XP
  3. Repeatable Bounties: 4,000 XP.

Be sure to do as many Weekly bounties first, then Daily Bounties, and finally Repeatable Bounties. This way, you can maximize your earnings.


Make sure you have the mod put on your ghost for +10% experience. This will turn your bounties into even more experience gained for when you cash them in. Currently, there is a +12% experience mod, but it expires in Season 15. It is unclear if it expires at the start or end of Season 15, so be sure to check when the season starts.


If applicable, purchase the season pass as soon as the season starts, before you do anything else, to get the +15% experience bonus right out the gate for everything you do. This experience bonus will increase as you rank up.


I was always told that you get +5% experience if in a fireteam. Although this has been untested by me in the Beyond Light DLC, it wouldn't hurt right?


Once the new season starts and you have modded your ghost with the +10% experience mod, purchased the season pass, and joined a fireteam, then you can turn in your bounties that you have collected to get that giant experience boost your first day in the new Season.


You can max out your inventory & postmaster with umbral engrams before Season 15 starts, so that you can turn them in after Season 15 starts for a chance to collect Season 15 gear right out of the gate.


You're gonna want to stock up on Ascendant Shards, Enhancement Prisms, and Enhancement Cores. You will need these to Masterwork your new gear. These can best be obtained from grinding Nightfall Strikes on Hero difficulty or higher.

Another good way to get enhancement Cores is to do the Daily Bounties at the Gunsmith. Completing a Daily Bounty grants you an Enhancement Core. If you do all 4 Daily Bounties on all three characters, that's 12 Enhancement Cores a day.

Also, you can trade 10 Enhancement Cores for an Enhancement Prism, and 10 Enhancement Prisms for an Ascendant Shard at the Gunsmith in the Tower.

Let's not forget Upgrade Modules. You'll need those to upgrade your Gear Light Level. They can be purchased from the Gunsmith with an Enhancement Core.

Random Planetary Resources and Glimmer will all be required for all trades & purchases. The best way to collect these is by going to the Tangled Shore, speak to Spider, and purchase them with Legendary Shards. Do not purchase Enhancement Cores or Enhancement Prisms, as they are too expensive. The Planetary Resources and prices change daily.

My recommend quantities are:

  • Ascendant Shards: 10 max.
  • Enhancement Prisms: 50 max.
  • Enhancement Cores: 500 max.
  • Upgrade Modules: 25 max.
  • Glimmer: 250,000 max.
  • Planetary Resources: 1,000 minimum each.

All of these resources take time to gather, and you might not have time to get it all. At minimum, make sure you get as many Upgrade Modules as you can.


Bungie has already released what the Champion Mods are available for the Season 15 Artifact. You need these weapon types with these Champion Mods to defeat the Champions in higher level content in Season 15.

  • Anti-Barrier Champion Mod: Auto-Rifles only.
  • Overload Champion Mods: Bows and Swords.
  • Unstoppable Champion Mods: Sidearms, Pulse Rifles, Fusion Rifles, and Linear Fusion Rifles.

It will be interesting to see what kind of loadouts there will be with these mods. Personally I dislike Fusion Rifles and avoid using them when I can.


Be sure to turn in your tokens to Commander Zavala as there will be changes and tokens will no longer be used. You also might want to clean up your vault to make room for new gear.

I hope you found this guide useful and I'll see you in Season 15.


I used to do this for upcoming seasons. I wish Destiny 2 was more than an eternal daily/weekly farm with droplets of story in between. I would probably still play it if it was.

It drops new story parts with "seasonal challenges" on a weekly basis now.