Exploring The Main Features of Genesis League

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Hello hive, hello everyone, hello gamers, I come once again to talk about another game on hive. I wrote about Moon Karts last week and in that blog I made mention of a third game developed by the same company behind splinterlands. This game is the GENESIS LEAGUE.

After you have succesfully registered and logged into the game, you see a homepage with some features as has been shown in the image below.

Genesis League

What I really like about the developers of these 3 games is how simplistic they have made their interfaces. They are easy to navigate and understand. With this particular game for instance, you need no one to teach you how to explore it. You look at it and you know what to do. First things first, let's click on Get Started which is located at top left of the page.

Get Started

Upon the successful launching of the page, you are greeted with "Welcome to the pitch". You see a "practice match" and a "Get my bundle". Click on get my bundle.

Get My Bundle

You are presented with 3 starter packs with 3 different prices and with 3 different components. You have "DEFENDER'S FORTRESS", "MIDFIELD MAESTRO" and "STRIKER'S GLORY". Each of these 3 makes you a club owner with 2 free teams. Confirm payment with keychain with either $HIVE, $SCRIPT, $COLONY, $GLX, $GLUSD.

Starter Choice Bundles

The next feature we will explore is Cards. When you click on cards, you get a list of all cards you own.


The next to explore is Market. Market gives you a list of cards or players you can purcahse.


I would like to stop with the exploration here so as not to make the post too long. I will continue with the exploration in a later post.

Thank you.