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Bienvenidos Gamers de Hive gaming. Hoy me toco jugar con compañeros de equipo que me hacen remplantear el seguir jugando al league of legends. De la primera rotacion de mi rival, hizo que mi compañera (Lux) me empieze a flammear
Welcome Hive gaming gamers. Today I had to play with teammates that made me reconsider continuing to play League of Legends. From the first rotation of my rival, my teammate (Lux) started to flame me.
He called me sick as shit
Frente a esto, decidí reportarte dentro del sistema de su página, así aprende a no flamear en el juego, que hacen del game imposible.
Faced with this, I decided to report you within the system on their page, so you learn not to flame in the game, which makes the game impossible.

Thank you for letting us know about marcianek#8115. We will take care of it from now on, so please don't worry if this exchange doesn't appear in your request history.
Pero se preguntaran, porque traigo esta partida, y la respuesta es que baile de hermosa manera a la LeBlanc enemiga, dentro de la línea (aunque sea con algunos errores, gane mi parte del mapa). Lastimosamente, no supe como buildearme bien para hacer daño, ya que era tan poco el daño que hacía a mis rivales que no pude hacer frente a ellos de manera óptima, y mucho menos con compañeros que se dedicaban a escribir más que a jugar.
But you might wonder why I'm bringing this game, and the answer is that I danced beautifully against the enemy LeBlanc, inside the lane (even with some mistakes, I won my part of the map). Unfortunately, I didn't know how to build myself well to do damage, since the damage I did to my rivals was so little that I couldn't face them in an optimal way, and much less with teammates who dedicated themselves to writing more than playing.
En este punto de partida, minuto 7:25 estaba 4/1/2, fue un buen desempeño de mi parte, creo que hubiera sido mejor que vaya todo daño AP.
At this starting point, minute 7:25 I was 4/1/2, it was a good performance on my part, I think it would have been better to go all AP damage.

The chat translation: Sona writes "How the hell do you flame in URF" - And Lux responds "Chilean, you say? He insults just like a Chilean
Como pueden ver, no se disfruta asi el juego. Vean los items de Lux, es inevitable perder si Lux se hace el Liandry, pero mucho peor es que Sona se haga completamente soporte. Creo que acá no se supieron equiparse de manera correcta. Aun asi pude dar pelea. Espero que disfruten de la partida URF que les traigo hoy, que con Singed tienes la R cada 10 segundos aproximadamente, lo que te hace util en todo momento. Sin mas, un saludo Gamers, nos vemos en la siguiente partida.
As you can see, the game is not enjoyable like this. Look at Lux's items, it is inevitable to lose if Lux goes all Liandry, but it is much worse if Sona becomes a full support. I think that here they did not know how to equip themselves correctly. Even so, I was able to fight. I hope you enjoy the URF game that I bring you today, with Singed you have the R every 10 seconds approximately, which makes you useful at all times. Without further ado, greetings Gamers, see you in the next game.

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