Building Our Empire: Kenshi Chronicles (Part 6) – Work, Battles & Exploration

in Hive Gaminglast month


We continue with our Kenshi adventure. In the previous post, we got a backpack and a new warrior companion. Now, our band has three members.

This game is incredibly addictive; someday, I’ll share some gameplay videos with you.

Time to Work

Now that there are two of us, we can carry twice the resources and make money much faster. At the moment, mining copper is our only way to earn money.

Mining copper

The money we earn from selling copper is mainly used to buy food. Whatever is left, I invest in things that seem useful.

Selling copper

For example, I bought materials to create a mineral storage facility. This allows us to automate the copper mine, almost like in Age of Empires or Warcraft.

The only difference is that these characters actually need to be fed from time to time.

Storage facility

Another challenge is getting attacked while collecting minerals. Below, on each character's icon, red stripes indicate who is being attacked.

Character icons under attack

We had an intense fight where everyone got involved. Of course, we brought the fight into the city so the guards could help us. These groups can have up to 12 bandits, and we wouldn’t stand a chance against them on our own.

Eiko was the first to fall. The upside is that she gains combat experience even when she loses.

Taking a Break

Taking a break

After a hard day of work and battles, our gang takes a well-deserved break. Ruka, our Shek warrior, prepares some grilled meat to celebrate the victory. Meanwhile, Eiko rests in bed, recovering from her injuries, and Marowak keeps an eye on the house entrance.


The next day, with the loot from the fight, we bought a food storage unit. Now, any food placed there is automatically taken by my characters whenever they need it—except for the dog.

For Marowak, I have to drop the meat on the ground for him to eat it. I also noticed he has a slot for a backpack. Are there backpacks for dogs? I sure hope so; that would be awesome.

Dog backpack

We also found something like a shop counter, similar to the ones in the bar. So, we bought one to try setting up a store of our own.

Back to Exploring

Exploring the map

We set out to explore with Eiko, who is the fastest runner in the group. Skills improve as you use them, and since she’s our main character, it makes sense that she has the highest movement speed.


As we explore, the map updates to reveal new locations. Ideally, for exploring distant areas, you can hire mercenaries from the bars. They’ll accompany you for one or two days, depending on how you negotiate with them. We don’t have enough money for that yet, but soon we’ll venture out with a hired crew for protection.

Setting up the store

We also set up the store to get better prices for the copper we’ve collected and put up some other items for sale. Let’s see how that goes!

Thanks For Reading!


Tools used for translation: Grammarly and IA
This pixel art was created by me in Piskel
All screenshots were taken by me