It is almost time to start the hard mode.

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


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Hi, howdy, I must say that I have taken my time to prepare myself before going to the hard mode in this game.

As I mentioned before, the character "Suso" is a character that if he dies he loses everything he has on him. And some things are obtained after long hours of collecting resources.

I've done a few farms in this world. A few bases. And I'm getting ready to defeat the boss that gives rise with his death to the next mode of the world.

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Collect some necessary things before starting the hard mode. A little fishing. You know.

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I was collecting some spider webs. An important element of my craft.


And I've made an airfield to do this event and collect a lot of medals. I'll trade them for armor with good defense as soon as I'm on hard mode.

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I collected enough medals for the full set. From this event, I got a rare drop.

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A small pig with wings, which functions as an extra inventory.

I don't know what their drop rate is. But I know it's hard to get because I heard a YouTuber mention it. And you know, if you want a rare, you shouldn't wait to have it or search for it. Otherwise, you'll get frustrated for a while in a tedious search.

You simply have to let the opportunity arise on its own.


And I have also increased the drop of all mobs. Placing torches of each biome in their respective biome.

This automatically after overcoming the 100 torch challenge. I don't know what this achievement is called.

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In the next update of this Terraria run I'm doing, I will have already finished the boss "the wall of flesh" in the underworld.

Let's see how it goes, I hope I don't die.

Thanks for reading! See you next blog.

 3 years ago  

A veces por pura nostalgia me gustaría intentar jugar Terraria de nuevo, pero después cuando estoy probando el juego las ganas se desvanecen completamente T_T creo que de verdad los juegos indie son mi punto débil.

Jajaja, no te preocupes. Yo creo que pasare la historia. Y luego ya no jugaría más.

El juego que mas me gustaba era mario bross 😆