[ENG/ESP] Shooting, gun looting, enemies everywhere and a villain to be feared 👿 in “The First Descendant” 😎 (My first experience with friends 😃).

in Hive Gaming23 hours ago


Good morning Hivegaming community! I hope you are well filled with lots of joy and good mood just like me. Why is that? You may ask... Well I am very happy because I tried a game that has long caught my attention, I had not played an online shooter for years that awakened in me the desire to play it every day. Well my friends I tell you that I really liked the game The First Descendant. I have been playing it with several friends of mine and we are all happy about it. Here I break down little by little the experience I had with this game...

Spanish version

Buen día comunidad Hivegaming! Espero que estén bien llenos de mucha alegría y de buen humor al igual que yo. ¿Porque sería? Se preguntaran… Pues estoy muy feliz porque probé un juego que desde hace mucho tiempo me llamo su atención, tenía años que no jugaba un shooter online que me despertara ese afán de todos los días querer jugarlo. Pues mis amigos les digo que el juego The First Descendant me gustó mucho. Lo he estado jugando con varios amigos míos y todos nosotros estamos contento por esto. Aquí le desgloso poco a poco esta experiencia que tuve con este juego…




First of all the name of the developer studio of this game. The name of the company is called Nexon Korea Corporation, it comes from South Korea, it specializes in online video games. It is not the first time it has handled this kind of games. In fact it already has experience in several online titles such as MapleStory, Final Fantasy with cooperation with Square Enix, and for mobile Blue Archive, Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed among others.

Spanish version

Primero que nada el nombre del estudio desarrollador de este juego. El nombre de la empresa se llama Nexon Korea Corporation, proviene de corea del Sur, se especializa en videojuegos en línea. No es la primera vez que ha manejado este tipo de juegos. De hecho ya tiene experiencia en varios títulos online como por ejemplo MapleStory, Final Fantasy con cooperación con Square Enix, y para móvil Blue Archive, Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed entre otras más.



Now let's go with the story, this part if it catches my attention, it is interesting when you start the game you get an intro with a very good graphic quality and highly polished details, the graphics engine that was used was the Unreal Engine 5, the cinematic explains us almost a century ago humanity has a war against one beings called the Vulgus, some invading beings from another world, humanity loses against these beings, suddenly a twist of fate gives hope to humanity to continue standing in the future and finds a power of the ancestors awakened, these descendants have a surprising strength and manage to defend themselves successfully and manage to defeat the invading force. Now a new threat has just emerged. Karel, the name of the new leader, someone malevolent, cold, and without any remorse, is leading the front to get the eternal darkness in the world, now to save humanity before the collapse the descendants must counterattack once again and purge again these invading beings whatever it takes.

Spanish version

Ahora vamos con la historia, esta parte si me llama la atención, es interesante cuando comienzas el juego te dan una intro con una calidad gráfica muy buena y detalles altamente pulidos, el motor gráfico que se utilizo fue el Unreal Engine 5, la cinemática nos explica hace casi un siglo la humanidad tiene una guerra contra uno seres llamados los Vulgus, unos seres invasores de otro mundo, la humanidad pierde contra estos seres, de repente un giro del destino le da esperanza la humanidad para seguir en pie en el futuro y encuentra un poder de los ancestros despertados, estos descendiente tiene una fuerza sorprendente y logran defenderse con éxito y logran derrotar a la fuerza invasora. Ahora una nueva amenaza acaba de surgir. Karel, el nombre del nuevo líder, alguien malévolo, frio, y sin ningún remordimiento, está liderando el frente para obtener la oscuridad eterna en el mundo, ahora para salvar la humanidad ante el colapso los descendiente deben contraatacar una vez más y purgar de nuevo estos seres invasores cueste lo que cueste.





Then we move on to the descendant selection, it will give us access to choose a character from three that will offer us, this action is key to start the story, each one has amazing abilities and powers. Their names are Lepic, Ajax and Viessa. Lepic is an expert in area damage and uses grenades to finish off his opponents. Ajax, at first glance by his physique is a tank class. He deploys a force field that protects both himself and his allies from direct attacks from enemies. Very good choice for those who do not want to go aggressive and hold a little longer. And finally the beautiful and sensual Viessa, a character with a good balance in what sense? She uses freezing powers, her freeze passive applies a great weakness to her opponents that causes weakening of movement in every way, and does great damage. He is the character that my friends and I chose to start the game.

Spanish version

Luego pasamos a la selección de descendiente, nos dará el acceso a elegir un personaje de tres que nos ofrecerá, esta acción es clave para comenzar la historia, cada uno tiene habilidades y poderes sorprendentes. Los nombres de ellos son Lepic, Ajax y Viessa. Lepic es un experto en daño en área usa granadas para acabar con sus adversarios.** Ajax**, a simple vista por su físico es una clase tanque. Despliega un campo de fuerza que protege tanto como aliados y el mismo de ataques directos de los enemigos. Muy buena opción para aquellas personas que no quieren ir agresivos y aguantar un poco más. Y por último la bella y sensual Viessa, una personaje con un buen equilibrio ¿en que sentido? Usa poderes de congelamiento, su pasiva de congelar aplica una gran debilidad a sus adversarios que provoca debilitamiento de movimiento en todos los sentidos, y hace un gran daño. Es el personaje que elegimos mis amigos y yo para comenzar en el juego.






I played it through a computer of a friend of mine, which has a more solid hardware power compared to mine. We were 3 people and we took turns at times, we had many opinions and compiled the most characteristic of this, first of all start the game, is a small problem, sometimes we heard the soundtrack in the background which by the way is very good, and the cursor was displayed but not the game title, is a bug in the game that is solved by closing with Alt + F4 and reopened the game and it worked normally. As I said before the graphic details, it is beautiful, I love the details that these developers took care of, not only the scenery and environment but also in their characters, each character (no matter which one) has a very strong appeal for its finish. You have scaling options, either by DLSS (also DLAA) FSRR, XeSS and TSR.

Spanish version

Lo jugué atravez de una computadora de un amigo mío, que tiene una potencia en Hardware más sólida comparada con la mía. Éramos 3 personas y nos turnábamos de a ratos, tuvimos muchas opiniones y recopilamos lo más característico de esto, primero que nada iniciar el juego, es un pequeño problema, a veces escuchamos la banda sonora de fondo que por cierto es muy buena, y se mostraba el cursor pero no salía el título del juego, es un error del juego que se soluciona cerrando con Alt + F4 y volvíamos abrir el juego y funcionaba con normalidad. Como dije anteriormente los detalles gráficos, es bellísimo, me encanta los detalles que se esmeraron estos desarrolladores, no únicamente el escenario y ambiente sino también en sus personajes, cada personaje (no importa cuál sea) tiene un atractivo muy fuerte por su acabado. Tienes opciones de escalado, ya sea por DLSS (Tambien DLAA) FSRR, XeSS y TSR.



The images and gifs that I am showing in this post, are of a Viessa already a little more advanced level, this MMO lootin-shooter game (similar to Borderlands) gives us many rewards. Also each weapon that gives us, modifications and upgrades are classified by rarity according to color and level, each weapon has a different ammo division, from impact bullets and special bullets.

Spanish version

Las imágenes y gifs que estoy mostrando en este post, son de una Viessa ya un poco más avanzado de nivel, este juego MMO lootin-shooter (parecido un poco a Borderlands) nos da muchas recompensas. También cada arma que nos da, modificaciones y mejoras se clasifican por rareza de acuerdo al color y nivel, cada arma tiene una división de munición distinta, desde balas de impacto y balas especiales.



When you start the main missions that we get in the course of the game, they are good, but there comes a point that becomes monotonous, no matter where you are on the map are almost the same missions, the real challenge is to face the Colossi are very big bosses that will give us rewards not only in weapons but also give us a rare part to make a descendant. There are 2 ways to have another descendant character, one of them is buying with real money, (almost not forced) or the other that is very efficient but somewhat difficult, is to find the necessary parts to create the descendant, and that is achieved by doing side quests, and if that were not enough you have to be lucky, because the chances that you get the body part of a descendant that you like a lot is 20%, in fact when we got Bunny (very good indeed) we had to repeat certain important missions about 10 times (I'm not exaggerating).

Spanish version

Al iniciar las misiones principales que nos conseguimos en el transcurso del juego, son buenos, pero llega un punto de que se vuelve monótono, no importa en qué parte del mapa estés son casi las mismas misiones, el verdadero reto es enfrentarse contra los Colosos son jefes muy grandes que nos darán recompensa no únicamente en armas si no también nos dará una parte rara para hacer un descendiente. Existes 2 formas de tener otro personaje descendiente, una de ella es comprando con dinero real, (casi que no te obligan) o la otra que es muy eficiente pero algo difícil, es buscar las partes necesarias para crear el descendiente, y eso se consigue haciendo misiones secundarias, que por si fuera poco tienes que tener una suerte, porque las probabilidades de que te salga la parte del cuerpo de un descendiente que te agrade mucho es de un 20%, de hecho cuando obtuvimos a Bunny (Muy buena por cierto) tuvimos que repetir ciertas misiones importantes unas 10 veces (no exagero).



The AI of the enemies and the movements they make when walking or attacking are somewhat rigid, we only saw some decency in some enemies in their movements, while others did not please us much, when attacking them if they are decent performance to the blows of impacts, but you have to understand one thing, it is a game that came out very recently, there are many things that compensates us compared to the mistakes made by its developers and with the passage of time hopefully it will be fixed. The game has a great potential, but people will always see its negative sides, ah... and by the way they keep playing it, hehehe... hopefully they will fix those bugs so that many will change their point of view... my friends and I have discussed it and we came to that conclusion as I had said before.

Spanish version

La IA de los enemigos y los movimientos que hacen al caminar o al atacar los vemos algo rigido, solo vimos algo de decencia en algunos enemigos en sus movimientos, mientras que otros no nos agradó mucho, al momento de atacarlos si son decentes su desempeño a los golpes de impactos, pero hay que entender una cosa, es un juego que salió hace muy poco tiempo, hay muchas cosas que nos compensa en comparación con los errores que cometen sus desarrolladores y con el pasar del tiempo esperemos que se arregle. El juego tiene un grandioso potencial, pero siempre la gente verán sus lados negativos, ah… y de paso lo siguen jugando, jejeje… ojala y reparen esos fallos para que muchos cambien su punto de vista… mis amigos y yo lo hemos discutido y llegamos esa conclusión como había dicho anteriormente.




It's a pretty frantic game, we have not imagined how the DIFFICULT mode would be, what is it worth? give it a chance, it's a game that has a very firm base in terms of Loot and it has still kept up, you will like the customization of characters, they are one more beautiful than the other. Let's wait 1 year so that its developers can improve their game to make it go a lot better compared to how it is now.

Spanish version

Es un juego bastante frenético, no nos hemos imaginado como sería el modo DIFICIL, ¿de que vale la pena? denle un oportunidad, es un juego que tiene una base muy firme en cuanto el Loot y se ha mantenido en pie todavía, les gustara la customizacion de personajes, son uno más bonita que el otro. Esperemos 1 año para que sus desarrolladores puedan mejorar su juego para que vaya muchísimo mejor comparado como está ahora.




Well gentlemen we will leave it here for today, I hope you liked the images and the experience I had with my friends in this game... ah I forgot to tell you if you are connected on an XBOX ONE console and another on a PC and another on a Play Station, you can all play a cooperative together in the same mission, that's very good. I appreciate that you have come this far and that I could entertain you, also as always I thank the moderators and administrators of Hivegaming for letting me share these experiences. Greetings to all and see you in the next post!

Spanish version

Bueno señores lo dejaremos hasta aquí por hoy, espero que les haya gustado las imágenes y la experiencia que tuve junto con mis amigo en este juego… ah se me olvido decirles si están conectado en una consola XBOX ONE y otro en una PC y otro en una Play Station, todos pueden jugar un cooperativo juntos en una misma misión, eso es muy bueno. Agradezco que hayan llegado hasta aquí y que los pudiera entretener, también como siempre agradezco a los moderadores y administradores de Hivegaming por dejarme compartir estas experiencias. Saludos a todos y nos vemos en el siguiente post!




First of all I want to thank my friends who supported me in this work by giving and sharing opinions, camera approaches, among other things. Also the photos or images were taken from the game. In making this post the following programs were used:
Bandicam: Photos and Images
Gifs: Movavi Video Converter 21 Premium
Banners: Canvas
Translation: Deelp

Spanish version

Primero que nada quiero agradecer a mis amigos que me apoyaron en este trabajo en dar y compartir opiniones, enfoques de camara, entre otras cosas. Tambien las fotos o imagenes fueron sacadas del juego. Al ahcer este post se usaron los siguientes programas:
Bandicam: Fotos e Imagenes
Gifs: Movavi Video Converter 21 Premium
Banners: Canvas
Traduccion: Deelp


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Curated by ahmedhayat

 22 hours ago  

Ranging from a minor to any major game, multiplayer games are always the best ones.

This game looks pretty much like free fire ( a mobile game I play with friends)... Has some science touch...

Yeah man, it was totally worth it

It is a cooperative game that really entertains the player, and certainly expect many improvements in the future as there are some things to be improved, also you have to understand a little is not a perfect game just came out, not even 6 months old, but has many points in its favor and hopefully they bring out the PVP mode or battleroyale.
Greetings from Venezuela

Seems like it was a good time! I've heard of the game but that's about it! Never knew what it was about.

the game can be played alone or in cooperative, it's really good, this game has a very good base to stay and give size to some shooters, I liked it a lot, I hope they improve it a lot later on!
Greetings from Venezuela!

 9 hours ago  

A shooter looter... someone put it like, Warframe and Destiny had a kid.

Also, with bigger boobs and ass...lol

Damn bro! The First Descendant has very good graphics, I hadn't heard about it, but I can really tell from your screenshots and gifs that this game has quite admirable graphics.
Thanks for sharing it.

That's right brother! We all agree, this game has some great details! Hats off to the developers for making these designs without losing anything! It's a very good game indeed! The good thing is that it's free! If you have the chance, play it and give your opinion!
Greetings from Venezuela!

After making the second language colourful, this is the best option of how to do it bilingual. It is really smart 🎩👌🤓

Also, this game reminded me of something but I couldn't remember it. The place, story and other elements are soooo familiar.


hehe thank you very much for your words! and I also appreciate that you read about this game. And maybe you might remember some game? this game has a lot of similarity in Destiny 2 and Warframe! The hook tool also reminds me of Lost Planet! It could be anyone!
Greetings from Venezuela!


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