[ENG/SPA] A firefighter 🚒 is not alone so we called ✈️ in help 🙏 for a mortar fire support 💥 from the skies against the zombies 💀 in “World War Z” 😎 - New York City | Part 5

in Hive Gaminglast month


Hello HiveGaming community I hope you are very well like me full of joy and happiness, I have been a little sick after my last post but I feel much better, the campaign of this episode I left it in the middle in the previous post because it is very long this experience, and also happened in the previous episodes that I had commented. To summarize a little before exposing my campaign experience I comment, it was very hard to survive, and that I played it only on Hard, and as a miracle of life I did not have to repeat the campaign, it is a little stressful, but this kind of challenges I like a lot, I am very committed to this because I also compare it as if it were life, it becomes a little hard and how can we fight it? Fighting and moving forward, and then without realizing it, the compensation will be very satisfying. That's how I see it, I don't mean it as a bad thing, without these challenges it would be very boring. So without further ado we begin this part of this adventure....

Spanish version

Hola comunidad de HiveGaming espero que estén muy bien al igual que yo lleno de mucha alegría y felicidad, he estado un poco enfermo después de mi última publicación pero ya me siento mucho mejor, la campaña de este episodio lo deje por la mitad en el anterior post debido que es muy larga esta experiencia, y así también paso en los anteriores episodios que les había comentado. Para resumir un poco antes de exponer mi experiencia de campaña les comento, me costó mucho sobrevivir, y eso que lo jugué solo en Difícil, y como milagro de la vida no tuve que repetir la campaña, es un poco estresante, pero este tipo de retos me agradan mucho, me comprometo mucho en esto porque también lo comparo como si fuera la vida, torna ser un poco dura y ¿cómo lo podemos combatir? Luchando y seguir adelante, que después sin darte cuenta la compensación va hacer muy satisfactoria. Así es como lo veo, no lo digo por mal, sin estos retos sería muy aburrido todo. Así que sin más preámbulo comenzamos esta parte de esta aventura…



Upon entering the new area we realized that it was a sewer, again, we had to find a way out, as we go through the tunnels we hear the noise of a stalker and when I prepare to ambush him he ends up ambushing me, that bothers me a lot, he arrives by surprise giving you a hug, My companions save me from a silly death once again, when I get up we go through a section and we find a hatch that we activate and we see that many supplies and weapons, including an MP5 with silencer, very good option to go stealth this time.

Spanish version

Al entrar a la nueva zona nos percatamos que era unas alcantarillas, otra vez, teníamos que buscar una salida, al recorrer los túneles escuchamos el ruido de un asechador y cuando me preparo a emboscarlo el termina emboscándome a mí, eso me molesta mucho, llega de sorpresa dándote un abrazo, mis compañeros me salva de una muerte tonta una vez más, al levantarme recorrimos una sección y encontramos una compuerta que la accionamos y vemos que muchos suministros y armas, entre ella una MP5 con silenciadora, muy buena opción para ir en sigilo esta vez.





We all got ready, we healed from the wounds we had, new and loaded weapons, ready to leave for the evacuation zone, at the beginning I prepared my Colt M1911 with silencer to not make noise and finish quickly without any problem, starting we ran into 2 zombies on our way, we eliminated them quickly, investigating further we ran into an explosive charge to open breaches, we saved it because I know that in some places that are blocked there are good supplements, such as weapons, healing or something else. We head to a rubble ramp that made a connection to some kind of museum, when we get to the site we run into another stalker that was at a door with a treasure that might interest us. I fire a few shots at him and decide to place the C4 charge at the door.

Spanish version

Nos preparamos todos, nos curamos de las heridas que teníamos, armas nuevas y cargadas, listo para partir hacia la zona de evacuación, al comenzar prepare mi Colt M1911 con silenciador para no hacer ruido y terminar rápido sin ningún problema, comenzando nos topamos con 2 zombis en nuestro camino, los eliminamos rápido, investigando más a fondo nos topamos una carga explosiva para abrir brechas, lo guardamos porque sé que en algunos sitios que están bloqueados hay suplementos buenos, como armas, curación u otra cosa. Nos dirigimos a una rampa de escombros que hacia conexión a una especie de museo, al llegar al sitio nos topamos con otro asechador que estaba en una puerta con un tesoro que nos podría interesar. Le disparo unos cuantos tiros y decido colocar la carga de C4 a la puerta.



When detonating the bomb in the door we see that there were 2 boxes of weapons, one of them was a “M203 machine gun” that I decided to pick up and in the other box a “magnum revolver” and a “MP7 submachine gun”, I did not hesitate twice to pick up the revolver, it hits very hard. Leaving the room, we were doing a tour to the next area, and in that journey we found more weapons, between “MP5” and “MP7”, but when we reached the end of the tour there was another corridor where the problems began, I was attacked by a stalker as a rare thing and my companions help me again, the zombies do not notice anything, We wanted to be discreet with our weapons with silencers, in the middle of the corridor there was a bull, we tried to eliminate it as soon as possible but the kevlar I was wearing made it difficult to do so, I accidentally shot a propane tank that was in that corridor and a horde of zombies began to come out from under the sides.

Spanish version

Al detonar la bomba de la puerta vemos que habían 2 cajas de armas, una de ellas estaba una “Ametralladora M203” que lo decidí recoger y en la otra caja un “revolver magnum” y una “metralleta MP7”, no dude 2 veces en recoger el revólver, pega muy fuerte. Saliendo del cuarto, estábamos haciendo un recorrido hacia la siguiente área, y en ese trayecto nos encontramos con más armas, entre “MP5” y “MP7”, pero cuando llegamos al final del recorrido había otro pasillo donde comenzaba los problemas, me ataca un asechador como cosa rara y mis compañeros me ayudan otra vez, los zombis no se percatan de nada, queríamos ser discreto con nuestras armas con silenciador, en medio del pasillo había un toro, lo tratábamos de eliminar lo más pronto posible pero el kevlar que llevaba puesto nos costaba hacerlo, dispare sin querer un tanque de propano que había en ese pasillo y pues comenzó a salir una horda de zombis debajo de los costados.






Luckily getting out of there was not so problematic, we could against the small waves of that corridor and several attacks of “Bulls”, “Infected” and “Pestilent” when we thought we were saved when we reached the other corridor because more appear in the final stretch up the stairs, which luckily was not much of a problem, I took the opportunity to shoot the gas tank that was in that hallway, we ran down the stairs and automatically some bars close the passage of the stairs, this was another checkpoint where there were many supplies. I found an AK-103 rifle because stealth was not going to be useful this time, I grabbed more grenades until I was full, and I just had to push the button that would open the way to the street.

Spanish version

Por suerte salir de allí no fue tan problemático, pudimos contra las pequeñas oleadas de ese pasillo y varios ataques de “Toros”, “Infectados” y “Pestilentes” cuando creíamos que estábamos salvos al llegar al otro pasillo pues aparecen más en la recta final subiendo por las escaleras, que por suerte no fue mucho problema, aproveche a disparar el tanque de gas que había en ese pasillo, corrimos por las escaleras y automáticamente unas rejas cierran el paso de las escaleras, esto era otro punto de control donde había muchos suministros. Encontré un fusil AK-103 porque el sigilo no iba ser útil esta vez, agarre más granadas hasta quedar hasta quedar lleno, y faltaba nada más accionar el botón que nos abriría el paso hacia la calle.










As we left the museum, we ran into a mortar fire towards a large horde of zombies that did not stop coming out of the street, they came out as if it were a waterfall, the explosions were continuous, while we ran all my group, we ran into some stragglers who were after us, among them was a “Griton” that we eliminated quickly, We got off the scaffolding to pass through the street that by the way was mined with claymors, gasoline barrels, and automatic turrets, the detail that these turrets shot everything that moved, including us, we had to destroy some to reach the evacuation point, but was interrupted by a horde of zombies that came from nowhere, from “Juggernaunts” and a “Toxic”. There were more blows with machetes that we gave than with the bullets of our own weapons, luckily we were already reaching our end.

Spanish version

Al salir del museo, nos topamos con un fuego de mortero hacia gran horda de zombis que no paraban de salir de la calle, salían como si fuera una cascada de agua, las explosiones eran continuas, mientras corríamos todo mi grupo, nos topamos con unos rezagados que iban a por nosotros, entre ellas iba un “Griton” que lo eliminamos rápido, bajamos del andamio para pasar por la calle que por cierto estaba minado con claymors, barriles de gasolina, y torretas automáticas, el detalle que esas torretas disparaba a todo lo que se movia, incluyéndonos a nosotros, teníamos que destruir algunas para poder llegar hasta la punto de evacuación, pero fue interrumpido por una horda de zombis que llegaron de la nada, desde “Juggernaunts” y un “Gaseoso”. Fueron más golpes con machetes que dimos que con las propias balas de nuestras armas, por suerte ya estábamos llegando a nuestro final.









When we arrived at the evacuation point there was no one just supplies of all kinds, the place where we were was a kind of dock, there were Hummers UN vans abandoned over there, and some corpses, but the good thing is that we got a boat to get us out of there the problem is that we had to call it, activate the winch to come the boat and then wait, but that wait had its consequence, and that is that seeing so many supplies over there because we knew that a tide of zombies was going to come, I got ready quickly and picked up some grenades, there was an assault rifle “TAR-21” the detail that I did not like was that it fired in bursts, I did not like it much, but still I wanted to try it and out of nowhere came the exaggerated horde of zombies towards us, luckily I look at the sky and an “AC-103” was flying near us, up the stairs there was a machine gun attached to the ground and next to it was the radio, we asked for help to give us cover fire because there were hundreds of zombies.

Spanish version

Al llegar al punto de evacuación no había nadie solo suministros de todo tipo, el sitio en donde estábamos era una especie de muelle, había camionetas Hummers de la UN abandonadas por allí, y algunos cadáveres, pero lo bueno es conseguimos un barco que nos sacaran de allí el problema es que teníamos que llamarlo, active el cabestrante para que viniera el barco y luego esperar, pero esa espera tenía su consecuencia, y es que al ver tantos suministros por allí pues sabíamos que iba a venir una marea de zombis, me prepare rápido y recogí algunas granadas, había un fusil de asalto “TAR-21” el detalle que no me gustaba es que disparaba a ráfagas, no me gustaba mucho, pero aun así lo quería probar y de la nada llegaron la exagerada horda de zombis hacia nosotros, por suerte miro al cielo y un “AC-103” estaba volando cerca de nosotros, subiendo las escaleras había una ametralladora pegada al suelo y al lado de ella estaba la radio, pedimos la ayuda para que nos dieran fuego de cobertura porque eran cientos de zombis.




From carnivorous rats, “Juggernaunts”, “Suicides” and “Bulls” they annoyed us for a long time, I don't know how much time passed but when I thought that the ship was close to arrive, the winch was turned off and we had to turn it on again, the worst thing is that it was turned off in crucial moments of battles. I remember I used the M203 machine gun but I had to use it from the waist, it took me a long time to position myself well to be able to aim more comfortably from the ground.

Spanish version

Desde ratas carnívoras, “Juggernaunts”, “Suicidas” y “Toros nos fastidiaron por un buen rato, no sé cuánto tiempo paso pero cuando creía que faltaba poco para que el barco llegaba pues el cabestrante se apagaba y teníamos que encenderlo otra vez, lo peor es que se apagaba en momentos cruciales de batallas. Recuerdo que use la Ametralladora M203 pero lo tenía que usar desde la cintura, tardaba mucho posicionarme bien para poder apuntar más cómodo desde el suelo.





I used everything, I took out the revolver when I ran out of the rifle's magazine, I even picked up the “AK-103” again because it was continuous fire and it was more useful to me, it's a matter of taste gentlemen, don't judge me. From so much fighting I didn't realize the state of my life points, apparently I was hit so hard that I fell and asked for help to my companions, I had to heal and fight again, luckily the ship had arrived and the way to it was almost clear, we went straight there but we ran into some zombies there. I arrived first but my companions were far behind, they ran like crazy towards the ship while the hordes were on their heels, when we arrived we all got out of there, one more victory for humanity gentlemen.

Spanish version

Use de todo, saque el revolver cuando se me acaba el cargador del rifle, es más recogí de nuevo la “AK-103” de nuevo por que era disparo continuo y me era más útil, es cuestión de gustos señores no me juzguen. De tanto pelear no me di cuenta el estado de mis puntos de vida, al parecer me golpearon tan fuerte que caí y pedí ayuda a mis compañeros, tuve que curarme y luchar otra vez, por suerte el barco había llegado y el camino hacia ella estaba casi despejado, fuimos directos hacia allá pero nos topamos con algunos zombis allí. Llego de primero pero mis compañeros se quedaron muy atrás, corrieron como locos hacia el barcos mientras que la hordas les pisaba los talones, al llegar todos salimos de allí, una victoria más para la humanidad señores.











And that concludes this part of this campaign, the next episode I don't know what's coming but it's the last of this New York campaign. It's mentally exhausting, but it's a relief when you end up winning. I hope you liked this experience, I hope you can play this and have fun like me, these stories are unique to tell. I want to thank as always all of you from the community for reading every post I publish every week, you don't know how glad I am that you enjoy them and I also thank the moderators and administrators of the Hivegaming community that has given me this opportunity to be part of you. So I say goodbye to you, take care and see you in the next post talking about this adventure, see you....

Spanish version

Y así concluye esta parte de esta campaña, el siguiente episodio no sé qué vendrá pero es el último de esta campaña de Nueva York. Es agotador mentalmente, pero es un alivio cuando terminas ganando. Espero que les haya gustado esta experiencia, ojala puedan jugar esto y se diviertan como yo, estas historias son únicas para contar. Quiero agradecer como siempre a todos ustedes de la comunidad por leer cada post que publico cada semana, no saben cuánto me alegra que los disfruten y también agradezco a los moderadores y administradores de la comunidad de Hivegaming que me ha brindado esta oportunidad de ser parte de ustedes. Así que me despido de ustedes, cuídense y nos vemos en el siguiente post hablando de esta aventura, nos vemos…



In making this post, the images and photos were taken by me, through the game itself, also the following programs, tools and website were used:
Bandicam: Photos or images
Canvas: Banners or separators
Movavi Video Converter 21 Premium: Creation of Gifs
Deelp: Translation Spanish – English

Spanish version

Al hacer este post, se tomaron las imágenes y fotos por mí, a través del propio juego, también se usaron los siguientes programas, herramientas y pagina web:
Bandicam: Fotos o imagenes
Canvas: Banners o separadores
Movavi Video Converter 21 Premium: Creacion de Gifs
Deelp: Traducción Español - Ingles

 last month  

I have a while watching this game and really the endless battles you have here are really crazy, especially when they are all crowded and you have to run for your life to avoid being devoured by the creatures, also the graphics of this game are incredible.

Is amazing really and you should have a grenade launcher in hand and some grenades for the waves of zombies when they approach you. I very rarely have gotten them and I always take a heavy machine gun in hand, really this game will make you live as if you were watching the movie itself.

 last month  

Must be so satisfying killing hordes of zombies with those automatic rifles. By the way, is there a dedicated stats page which shows how many you killed so far in the game? That would be interesting to know.

Well so far there is no profile that shows you the characteristics or details of how many zombies you have eliminated so far, the only way so far to know how many zombies you have eliminated is by pressing TAB and it is full mission and always at the end of the games show you the statistics of who eliminated more zombies, shots in the head, more damage afflicted among others.

That guy dressing like uncharted only difference is he is black. I love the graphics of this game too bad I have allergy when it comes to zombies

hehe the game is very frenetic and there are more characters, soon I will do the campaign of jerusalem and all those characters of the new campaign are special forces!

Ohhh are those peeps playing with you actually online players?

They are NPC campaigns I do them alone, very little online play in this game.

Ohhh I see it looks cool