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RE: [ENG/SPA] An avenging skeleton 💪💀 against hundreds of soldiers, violent warriors 👿 and deities 😈 in “Skul The Hero Slayer”. 💀- (Gaming experience) 😎

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

Yo lo volvi a retomar porque hace un tiempo corto le colocaron una actualización y esta muy bueno, de verdad me alegra bastante este tipo de juego son muy entretenidos, no se quien dijo por ahí que el 2D pixel art es malo cuando en realidad es todo lo contrario, opino igual que tu tambien y gracias por comentar, saludos!

I went back to retake it because a short time ago they placed an update and it is very good, I'm really quite happy this kind of game are very entertaining, I do not know who said out there that the 2D pixel art is bad when in fact it is the opposite, I think the same as you too and thanks for commenting, greetings!