I was exploring some designs for the trees and the floor of my forgotten indie video game project. It's hard to make art when you have no motivation, it's like trying to climb the stairs after a day of doing legs at the gym. Luckily I always try to look for some inspiration from my Pixel Art idol, Master Slynyrd. He has a blog about all kinds of tutorials for Pixel Art illustrations, still a long way to go to be very complete, but I'm sure it will be a good place for you to start as it was for me.

I started first with designing some trunks that would make a fence shape, at first I had a very "creative" design so to speak, as it was quite ugly, then I improved it to look like a tree trunk and not a candy palette. It was relatively easy to do, I only had to measure the perspective a little at a time to make it fit my character. Then came the tree, the truth was quite a challenge, and I didn't like the result, in the future I'll fix them, but it's the first time I draw a tree so be compassionate. What I did was to divide it into colors, a base color, a color for the shadow and a color for the light. The pattern of the leaves is simply repetitive, I think that several stacked at a certain distance will not make much "noise". The last thing was the grass, I was hesitating a lot about what color it would be, I was between green and yellow. In the end I simply went for the yellow as my character was blurring a lot between the green grass. Also I think it gives an "out of this world" touch to have used unusual colors.

I liked the final result quite a lot, but I want to continue designing more objects and soon the interior of a house. I was thinking of presenting conceptual static scenes, to get an idea, like this illustration, what do you think?

I'm sorry I've been so lost from Hive lately, but I'm struggling with some debts that have me totally unhinged. It's no mystery that I suffer from anxiety and pushing myself to make money just drives me into a wall of frustration and self-deception. I've been fighting my affliction with a lot of exercise, so some good came out of the darkness, I've only been working out for a week and two days, but I can't tell you how much it has helped me lower the high cortisol levels I had all the time, I'm so much happier and active now. Today I finally got around to writing something, it's a step. I really want to be more consistent, but I don't want to put so much pressure on myself because we already know what happens.

So you're developing a game yourself? That's good man. Good luck.
I'm doing it little by little without haste, but totally alone
Slow and steady wins the race. I hope the finishing will be great.
Bro, I loved this post, as I am a fan of pixelart in general, but being a lover of retro video games you will understand that I really like the pixelart in video games because of the retro touch they bring to the games. On the other hand, I like these posts that show the development of videogames from their beginnings.
By the way, I agree with you to continue bringing posts where you show us the static scenes that you are achieving.
Finally, I really liked the Out of This World style you achieved with the design of the floor he he.
Greetings and keep these posts coming (y)
I'm glad you liked it, yes I'll take your word for it, I'll keep creating concept illustrations. I'm also a fan of pixelart and indie games, for that same reason I think I can design a small videogame, it's not a very ambitious project either, but I want to see how far I can go.
Great, pal! You have my support on your journey (y)
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