I had some time without playing on the emulator, for no apparent reason, I just got used to playing on the mobile, although I must admit that being able to play at ultra high graphics and 60 fps is an acquired pleasure.
One of the different things about playing on mobile and playing on emulator is the level of the players, their aim and reaction level is totally superior. Likewise in PUBG your life is significantly reduced with a few bullets from the enemy, so you can imagine the pressure you have when playing on PC, you must take care that not even a small Pixel shows up outside your coverage. Something I noticed is that many emulator players prefer to play with sniper and an assault rifle, because of the precision you have with mouse, most of the battles are at long distance, although in the hightlights I extracted from my game are rush moments.
I was surprised that my newly acquired knowledge/skills from my recent achievements in the mobile Qualifiers transpose very well to playing on emulator. Even though I hadn't played on PC for a while, at first I died instantly when falling off the plane, but with playing a few games I was able to get used to it and easily pull out some good clips to show you guys.
@mig1 is not as much of a PUBG fan as I am, as he is a lover of games like Fornite or Call of Duty, but sometimes I manage to convince him to play a few games. If @mig1 knew it was really good maybe he would be encouraged to play more often. When we started playing he was the one who saved me many times from going back to the lobby and you could notice that he single-handedly took down several enemies. The truth is that I feel a lot of synergy when playing with him, we are really tactical, although sometimes we differ at the time of reaching the enemies, as he always overtook me, but we always have good games. Without more to say, I leave you some beautiful hightlights and a blooper at the end of the video.
Muy bueno el PUBG, pero cuánto jugamos Fortnite? 😈
"Mano que buena granada" askjasjkas, tremendos pros Mig1 y tú, yo no lo sé tanto al PUBG, si lo juego ya sé quién me va a carrear.
I have the fornite pass, but I haven't done the missions to see if I get the Spider-Gwen skin. Let's see if we play soon so you can help me. If someday you want to play PUBG don't hesitate to tell me so we can make some squads.
@Mig1 is definitely a nice duo. He's a Battle Royale pro, I wish he knew his potential in PUBG and enjoyed the game as much as you do, you both could go far. I quite liked how you played, I thought you played pretty clean in the Emulator, especially when you were up in the house and lunged for the enemy hiding in the tree, awesome. Keep it up.
It really is a good duo. Someday I know I'll get him to fall in love with PUBG. That last one in the tree came super fast, I had seen him far away before, but out of nowhere he appeared next to us and well, he gave himself to us very easily to eliminate him, it wasn't a good idea to position yourself in that tree hahaha. I'm glad you liked my games. Soon I will upload other types of games to not be so repetitive, maybe Pokémon Unite.