in Eating Out2 days ago (edited)

Sharing a meal with your love ones tightens the bond you have with them, it's what they say which I do believe as well. Aside from that it also makes the food taste good a million times to how it already is.


Let me tell you about this one favorite local restaurant of mine here in Danao City. But I hope you won't drool so much and may your tummy not grumble badly as I show you all these mouth-watering foods.


The restaurant is called "Parola" translated to English as "Lighthouse." I bet you are wondering already why on Earth is it called Parola. Go ahead, make your speculations. The reason why it is called Parola is because it's situated just by the sea. I would say it's ideal to visit the place at night since it perfectly let you view the surroundings filled with lights illuminating dark corners. From the lamp-post on the street, the lights from the nearby infrastructures, and to the blinking lights coming from the ship across the ocean. I've been to this restaurant twice with my family over dinner and every experience I had there is fantastic. Chef's kiss!


You can choose to dine either in the first or second floor of the restaurant. If you prefer eating inside you can go with the former and choose the latter if you prefer a more open-space when eating. The second floor of the restaurant is basically the rooftop and I love love love eating there since I can perfectly smell the sea breeze and view the surroundings especially the sky up above filled with the stars and the moon.

Now let me show you these amazing foods I had at the restaurant. Actually, they offer varieties of local food. They got seafood, meat, soup, etc.

First, are their seafood choices, we had clams and shrimp braised in butter and garlic. 10/10 it was delicious period.



For meat choices, they got sisig, rib steak, and drumroll please crispy pata. It's quite unhealthy with all the oil and everything but who cares when it taste good hahaha.



Just keep in mind to have control when eating such kind of foods. But you know what, I firmly believe that we should eat delicious foods while we can.



Next one is a favorite of mine. Guess what it is, well it's Sinigang. Sinigang has this unique sour taste. We got the pork Sinigang and the fish one. There's also beef and chicken Sinigang.



Yeah, the soup is sour and the more sour it is, the better. It may came off quite surprising for foreign people but it gets better the more you have it. I would say it is one of our staple foods here in the Philippines.


And the last one is the garlic rice. We Filipinos cannot have our meals without rice. Rice is life that's how we say it. What's funny is, I am someone who's not really fond of having garlic in my food, and the only time I enjoy eating garlic is when I eat garlic rice. That's why my mom would often find it weird how I hate garlic so much yet love it a lot at the same time. I guess I just have a love and hate relationship with garlic haha. I tell you, garlic rice is bomb.


Everything I had in this restaurant so far never failed me. The food, the place, and the people just made everything beautiful. Devouring everything filled not only my tummy but my heart too. Eating good food makes you happy and sharing it with the people you love makes you happier.


Looking back at it, I can say that the only thing I regret about it, is talking about it right now and making myself sooooooo hungry. It's midnight and I think Imma gonna need some midnight snack before I go to bed or else my soul might get trap inside the pot, yeah I don't want that to happen.


What a wonderful restaurant 😍😋

Yeah it's great! Definitely worth it ^^

Sinangag pahingi po!

Sinigang's the best really ~ 😌

There scallops are one of my favorites❤️❤️

Same goes here 🙋🧡

Such a beautiful restaurant with a great ambience. I'm pretty sure you enjoyed your time there.

I really did! With all the delicious foods and beautiful ambiance, it's hard not to love it.

How much are the foods?

Ahmm I don't exactly remember sorry 😅