Lunch with Friends

in Eating Out2 months ago

Greetings everyone.
Roemah om Sinyo located on the small town of Sukabumi, and My friends and I have Eating here more than once. How are you, I hope you are happy. Thank you Eating out Community by @shawnnft as manager. Sharing the experience of having lunch with friend at


Several friends and I are a team of planning consultans, some time ago the consultant team was invited by the Sukabumi district government to provide an explanation of a plan. The location was in the Pendopo, attended by several agencies.



The meeting started at 9 am and finishing around at 11 o'clock 30 minutes past. After finishing the meeting, we went to our destination to a Restaurant not far from the meeting place. Roemah Om Sinyo is an old building that is used as a Restaurant.


The old building can be seen from the doors and windows which are quite tall heritage items displayed in the room, such as guest tables, bicycles, ceramic floors and others. And the location of this restaurant is not far from where I live.



The distance from the meeting place to the Restaurant is quite close about 10 minutes. We ate at the back, because there were already people booking in the main building.

Roemah Om Sinyo visitor can immediately take the food menus and side dishes, various kinds of traditional dishes are provided, such as rice wrapped in banana leaves, liwet rice, fried shrimp,fish sauce , chicken fried, fried fish, sfir-fried eggplant, omlettes, karedok and others.



Lunch with friends with a menu of food, grilled tilapia, liwet rice, fried Tempeh, karedok, fried chicken, leaf lalab, drinks dragon fruit juice, coffee, avocado juice, fresh tea.



While Eating we chatted about the evaluation of the meeting that had just been held. After finishing eating, one of the consultant team went to the cashier to pay for the meal, around 550.000,- IDR/ for eight people or ($34,3). The amount of money spent.


Thank you for stopping by.
Enjoy a happy life.

January, 30 2025.


nice one bro. food looks good.

Thank you @shawnnft, yes, it's true that Indonesian food is quite delicious. Enjoy life happily.